TB 1-1520-237-20-173
16. Points of Contact.
a. Technical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Curtis Stevens, AMSAT-R-ECU, DSN 693-0435 or commercial 314-
b. Logistical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Joe Hoover, SFAE-AV-BH-L, DSN 693-0484 or commercial 314 263-
c. Forms and records point of contact for this TB is Ms.
Ann Waldeck, AMSAT-I-MDM, DSN 490-2318 or
commercial 314 260-2318.
d. Safety point of contact for this TB is Mr. Brad Meye r, AMSAT-R-X, DSN 693-2258 or commercial 314 263-
e. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) recipients requiring clarification of action advised by this TB should contact CW5
Jay Nance/Mr. Ron Van Rees, AMSAT-I-IAF, DSN 693-3826/3659 or commercial 314 263-3826/3659.
f. Wholesale material depot storage point of contact for this TB is Mr. Larry Bruce, AMSAT-I-SDP, DSN 693-5629
OR COMMERCIAL 314-263-5629/2372.
g. After hours contact ATCOM Command Operations Center (COC), DSN 693-2066/7 or commercial 314 2 63-
17. Reporting of Errors and Recommending Improvement s. You can help improve this TB. If you find any mistakes
or if you know of a way to improve these procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter or DA Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to Commander, US Army Aviation and Troop
Command, ATTN: AMSAT-I-MP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St Louis, MO 63120-1798. A reply will be furnished to you.
You may also submit your recommended changes by E-mail directly to <daf2028@st-louis-emh7.army.mil.>. A reply will
be furnished directly to you.