TB 1-1520-240-20-97
b. The MH-47E and MH-47D shall also incorporate the inspection and lubrication requirements for bearings listed in
TM 1-1520-252-23-12, Task 11-12.
The MH-47E and MH-47D shall perform the inspection and lubrication every phase.
9. Correction Procedures. Annotate on DA
Form 2408-18 that the paragraph 8 inspection procedures are due at
next phase inspection. Carry this information on the DA Form 2408-18 until the PM phase manuals carry the inspection.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition. N/A
11. Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A.
12. Application.
a. Category of Maintenance. AVUM. Aircraft downtime will be charged to AVUM.
b. Estimated Time Required.
(1) Total of .5 manhours using one person.
(2) Total of .5 manhours downtime for one end item.
c. Estimated Cost Impact of Stock Fund Items to the Field. N/A.
d. TB/MWOs to be Applied Prior to or Concurrently with this Inspection. N/A.
e. Publications Which Require Change as a Result of This Inspection.
(1) TM 55-1520-240-PM will be changed to add the following inspection as 10.xx: Inspect and Lubricate Rod
End Bearings Located in the Flight Control Closet Area.
(2) TM 55-1502-240-23-9, Task 11-3, Step 2 will be changed to read: Rod end bearings located in the flight
control closet area, forward pylon, mixing complex, ...every 1st and 3rd phase inspection.
(3) TM 55-1520-240-23-9, Task 11-9, Change the note between step 1b and 1c as follows:
Rolling element bearings are located in the 1st and 2nd stage mixing units, flight control closet area, forward pylon...only.
(4) The following additions will be made in the MH-47E phase manual; aft rotor and pylon, Area #6: Inspect
and lubricate rod end bearings located in the aft pylon and aft fuselage IAW TM 1-1520-252-23-12, Task 11-12 and 11-
2.1.; forward pylon, crown and tunnel, Area #7: Inspect and lubricate rod end bearings located in the forward rotor, crown,
and tunnel area IAW TM1-1520-252-23-12, Task 11-12 and 11-2.1., Cockpit Area 10: Inspect and lubricate rod end
bearings located in the flight closet area IAW TM 1-1520-252-23-12, Task 11-12 and 11-2.1.
(5) Change TM 1-1520-252-23-12 as follows: Add a new task that is identical (except for task references) to
Task 11-3 from TM 55-1520-240-23-9 titled, Lubricate Flight Control System Rod End Bearing (Antifriction).
13. References.
a. TM 55-1520-240-23 series.
b. TM 1-1520-252-23 series.
14. Recording and Reporting Requirements.
a. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date (Aircraft). Upon entering requirements of this TB on DA Form 2408-13-1
on all subject MDS aircraft, forward a priority message, datafax or E-Mail to Commander, ATCOM, ATTN: AMSAT-R-X
(SOF Compliance Officer), per AR 95-3. Datafax number is DSN 693-2064 or commercial (314) 263-2064. E-Mail
address is "AMSATRXS@EMH4.STL-.ARMY.MIL". The report will cite this TB number, date of entry in DA Form 2408-
13-1, the aircraft mission design series and serial numbers of aircraft in numerical order.