TB 1-2840-248-20-2
4) Add to the operating hours entered in the bottom portion of block 12d for the component or module.
(5) Subtract these hours from the MAOT entered in block 11.
(6) Add the remainder to the current history recorder operating hours.
(7) Enter the replacement time in block 13 using a black lead pencil.
c. If the item in block 8 is a condition component enter "COND" in this block.
14. SIGNIFICANT HISTORICAL DATA. Enter any significant historical data on engines, components,
modules and parts. Before you enter the data, enter the date of your entry. After you enter the historical data,
enter your name, organization, and location. If you need more space, use a DA Form 2408-15 as a
continuation sheet. Print "DA Form 2408-16-1 Continuation" in the top margin of the form and complete the
form heading with the engine or module information. The following are examples of historical data: Aircraft
serial number that the engine is installed on or removed from (to include aircraft hours at installation and
removal), crash damage, contamination, hot starts, over torques, overspeeds, salt water immersion, and
overhaul/major repair. Installation and removal from the helicopter are also considered significant historical