TB 43-0151
and the connections plugged. The highest connection of the receiver (in the position in which it is to be tested) shall be
used to purge possible air pockets while the receiver is filling with liquid. Before applying pressure, the equipment shall be
inspected to see that all low pressure filling lines and other appurtenances that should not be subjected to the test
pressure have been disconnected. Following the application of the hydrostatic pressure test, an inspection shall be made
to all joints and connections. This inspection will be made at a pressure not less than two-thirds of the test pressure.
Receivers which indicate any leakage shall be repaired or replaced.
b. The intercooler and aftercooler on air compressors installed in liquid oxygen generating and charging plants shall
be given a hydrostatic test semiannually in accordance with the procedure given (a above) for receivers.
c. Receiver with less than 500 psi (35.1 kg/sq cm) working pressure do not require a hydrostatic test every 24
months. A hydrostatic test (150 percent of working pressure) is only required if inspection reveals evidence of bad dents,
corroded areas, leaking or other conditions that indicate the receiver may be unsafe.
6. Records. When practical, preventive maintenance services and technical inspections shall be scheduled to
correspond with test requirements. Scheduling and accomplishment of inspections and tests shall be recorded on DD
Form 314 (Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Records) in accordance with DA Pam 738-750. Specific results of tests,
as required, may be entered in the remarks block of the DD Form 314.
7. Standards. Components and accessories will be tested to conform to the following standards:
a. Safety valves shall be set and sealed to operate at 110 percent of normal operating pressure for the appropriate
b. The unloader shall be set and sealed to unload at not more than 5 percent over the normal operating pressure of
c. Pressure gages shall not vary more than 2 percent of the rated operating pressure for a minimum of one minute
without showing defects (i.e., leaks, unequal expansion, cuts, or breaks).
d. The high pressure hose must withstand 125 percent of rated operating pressure for a minimum of one minute,
without showing defects (i.e., leaks, unequal expansion, cuts or breaks), and tagged with the date it was tested.
e. All parts tested, safety valves, and unloaders shall be set and sealed using circular lead seal attached to copper
wire. Safety valves and unloaders that do not have provisions for sealing shall be sealed with type III, Class I pressure
sensitive tape conforming to specification PPP-T-60. Any available color and size may be utilized (7510 class).
f. When equipment has been inspected or tested, a stencil or metal tag shall be applied as follows: