TB 1-1520-237-20-171
(1) Retail Stock. Upon receipt of this TB all items listed in paragraph 7 below shall be placed in condition code
//J// and retagged with a DD Form 1575 (brown tag) for in stock items in suspended status awaiting inspection. (Mark
suspended in accordance with this TB.) The authority block must reference inspection required per this TB. Items
identified as serviceable IAW paragraph 9 shall be retagged with a serviceable tag/label material DD Form 1574/1574-1
(yellow color). Indicate compliance with this TB in the remarks block. Items identified as discrepant IAW paragraph 9
below will be retagged with unserviceable (condemned) tag/label DD Form 1577 (red color). Annotate remarks block to
indicate that the item is unserviceable IAW this TB. Discrepant items will be disposed of IAW paragraph 10d.
(2) Wholesale Stock. Upon receipt of this TB, depot commanders shall ensure inspection of all items listed in
paragraph 7. All items listed in
paragraph 7 below shall be
placed in
condition code //J// and retagged with a DD
1575 (brown tag) for in stock items in suspended status awaiting inspection. (Mark suspended in accordance with this
TB.) The authority block must reference inspection required per this TB.
2. Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Date is within 100 flight hours from receipt of superseded message or receipt of
this TB, whichever is received first.
3. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. No
later than 26
January 1996 per paragraph 14a of
this TB.
4. Summary of Problem.
Aviation safety action message required an inspection for non-standard main rotor shaft nut bolts. This
TB revises the inspection interval from 10 hours/14 days to 100 flight hours, provides clarification of acceptable bolt
markings, and required maintenance procedures.
The purpose of this TB is to annotate on DA Form 2408-13 that an inspection and removal of suspect
mast nut bolts is required within the next 100 flight hours.
5. End Items To Be Inspected. All H-60 Blackhawk aircraft. Inspection is not required if aircraft did not have these
main shaft nut bolts removed/replaced after delivery of the aircraft from Sikorsky Aircraft. If it is unknown whether the
shaft nut bolts were removed/replaced, the inspection shall be performed.
6. Assembly Components To Be Inspected. N/A.
7. Parts To Be Inspected.