TB 1-1520-238-20-113
paragraphs 8 and 9
have been completed. The affected aircraft shall be
inspected as
soon as
but no later than 6 October 2000. Commanders who are unable to comply with the requirements of this
TB within the timeframe specified will upgrade the affected aircraft's status symbol to a red //X//.
b. Aircraft in Depot Maintenance. N/A.
c. Aircraft Undergoing Maintenance. Aircraft will not be released until they are in compliance
with this TB.
d. Aircraft in Transit.
(1) Surface/Air Shipment. Same as paragraph 1.a.
(2) Ferry Status.
e. Maintenance Trainers (Categories A and B). N/A.
f. Components/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others), Including War Reserves. Upon
receipt of this TB, depot and materiel activity commanders will ensure that the materiel condition tags of
all items in all condition codes listed in paragraph 7 are annotated to read as follows: "AH-64-00-09 (TB
1-1520-238-20-113), Inspection for Main Rotor Blade Cracking, not complied with."
(1) Wholesale Stock. N/A.
(2) Retail Stock. N/A.
g. Components/Parts in Work (Depot Level and Others). N/A.
Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Complete the inspection in paragraph 8
prior to
the next flight
but not later than 6 October 2000; report in accordance with paragraph 14.b.
Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. Report Compliance in
accordance with paragraph 14.a.
no later than 16 October 2000.
Summary of Problem.
a. AH-64 main rotor blades have been found exhibiting chordwise cracks, which have appeared
on both the upper and lower surfaces. Cracks have also appeared on the trailing edge. Recently, a 5-ft.
section of a blade afterbody separated from the blade, resulting in an emergency landing.
c. The purpose of this message is to direct and initial and recurring inspection for evidence of
cracks in the main rotor blade.
End Items to Be Inspected. All AH-64 series aircraft.
Assembly Components to Be Inspected. N/A.
Parts to Be Inspected.
Part Number
Blade, Rotary Wing
Blade, Rotary Wing
Blade, Rotary Wing
Blade, Rotary Wing
Blade, Rotary Wing
Blade, Rotary Wing