TB 1-1520-238-20-73
e. Disposition of Hazardous Material. N/A.
11. Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A
12. Application.
a. Category of Maintenance. Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM). Aircraft downtime will be charged to
b. Time Required.
(1) Total of 2 man-hours using 1 person.
(2) Total of 2 hours downtime for one end item.
c. Estimated Cost Impact of Stock Fund Items to the Field (if required). The cost of the items listed in
d. TB/MWOs to be Applied Prior to or Concurrently with this Inspection. N/A.
e. Publications Which Require Change as a Result of This Inspection. TM 1-1520-238-PM and TM 1 -
1520-238-23 shall be changed to reflect this TB. A copy of this TB shall be inserted in the appropriate TM as
authority to implement the change until the printed change is received.
13. References.
a. TM 1-1520-238-23, 16 May 94.
b. TM 1-1520-238-23P, 28 May 96.
14. Recording and Reporting Requirements.
a. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date (Aircraft). N/A.
b. Task/lnspection Reporting Suspense Date (Aircraft). N/A.
c. Reporting compliance suspense date (Spares). N/A.
d. Task/lnspection Reporting Suspense Date (Spares). N/A.
e. TB Effectivity Date. TB is effective until 30 September 2000.
f. The following forms are applicable and are to be completed in accordance with DA PAM 738-751,15
June 1992:
(1) DA Form 2408-5-1, Equipment Modification Record Component (Servocylinder).
(2) DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Status Information Record.
(3) DA Form 2408-13-1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
(4) DA Form 2408-15, Historical Record for Aircraft.
(5) DA Form 2408-16, Aircraft Component Historical Record (If replacement of the
Servocylinder is required).
(6) DA Form 2408-18, Equipment Inspection List.
(7) DA Form 2410, Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul Record (Normal removal,
evacuation, Repair and Installation Cycle). (If replacement of the Servocylinder is required).
15. Weight and Balance. N/A.
16. Points of Contact.
a. Technical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Daniel Rice, AMSAT-R-EIA, DSN 693-9870 or
commercial (314)263-9870; datafax DSN 693-1622. E-mail: riced@avrdec.army.mil.
b. Logistical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Jim Mason, SFAE-AV-AAH-LF, DSN 693-1947 or
commercial (314)263-1947 or Mr. John Patton, SFAE-AV-AAH-LF DSN 693-0876 or commercial 314/263-0876.