TB 1-1520-238-20-73
8. Inspection Procedures.
a. Inspect each linkage at every 250 hour phase inspection as follows:
(1) Gain access to the transmission deck by removing access panel R200 and L200.
(2) Gain access to the Tail Rotor Servocylinder by removing access panel L450 and L546.
Obtain drawing from local LAR or technical point of contact to identify
locations of hruck type fasteners.
(3) Locate the control linkage on the Servocylinder linkage. There are five huck type fasteners
on NON-BUCS active servos and four huck type fasteners on BUCS active servos. The huck type fasteners
are located at the pivot points of the linkage (see drawing) and at the mid-point of the follower link.
b. Inspect the fasteners for improper installation (i.e. deformation, offset).
c. Inspect the fasteners with a 10x magnifying glass for cracks and corrosion. None allowed. It is
acceptable for the surface of a serviceable collar to have dark smear marks; these are surface blemishes left
from the huck tooling used during installation. A cracked collar must be verified by using 0.030 safety wire to
make a hook. The hook is then brushed over the suspect collar and if no detectable drag is noted, the collar is
serviceable. The use of dye penetrant is recommended only if the collar cannot be inspected visually.
d. Try to rotate the fasteners by hand (no tools or pliers) to check for loose or rotating hardware.
Discrepant swage pin assemblies are identified by holding the head of the pin in a fixed position and attempting
to rotate the huck pin collar. No differential rotation between the pin and collar is allowed. Rotation of the pin
and collar together is acceptable provided there is no axial play of the pin. Any axial play of the pin and collar
shall be considered discrepant.
Axial play of actuator (splined) input shaft is allowed, with a limit of
0.070-inch max with hydraulic pressure off. Input shaft is located below
huck #5 as shown on drawings.
e. If any discrepant fasteners are found, remove and replace the Servocylinder per paragraph 9 and
immediately contact the technical point of contact.
f. If no discrepant fasteners are found, the inspection is complete and the red "-"may be cleared.
9. Correction Procedures. Remove and replace Servocylinder per TM 1-1520-238-23 and applicable
paragraph below:
Directional Servocylinder removal: Paragraph 7.32
Collective Servocylinder removal: Paragraph 7.41
Lateral Servocylinder removal: Paragraph 7.44
Longitudinal Servocylinder removal: Paragraph 7.47
Prior to installing new Servocylinder, inspect per paragraph 8.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
Parts Required. Items cited in paragraph 6 may be required to replace defective items.
Requisitioning Instructions. Requisition through normal supply channels.
Bulk and Consumable Materials. N/A.
Disposition. A Category 1 QDR is not required.