TB 1--1520--238--20--94
(a) Detach connectors P428 and P429 from FMC computer.
(b) Check for null of less than 0.05 volt RMS at corresponding servocylinder RAM motional
transducer connector pins (Table 1). Record the null reading on the DA Form 2408--13--1.
(c) If voltage is less than 0.05 volt RMS at corresponding servocylinder RAM motional trans-
ducer connector pins (Table 1). Then inspection is completed.
(d) If voltage of 0.05 volt RMS is not obtained, manually move push--pull rod of corresponding
servocylinder to obtain null of less than 0.05 volt RMS. Use multimeter. Record the new null reading on
the DA Form 2408--13--1. If the voltage is less than 0.05 volt RMS, the inspection is complete.
(e) If voltage of 0.05 RMS or less is still not obtained, re--rig flight controls IAW ref 13.a and
repeat inspection procedures.
(f) If null of less than 0.05 volt RMS cannot be obtained, replace servocylinder will be repaired
by supporting OLR teams IAW paragraph 9 and 10 of this message.
Correction Procedures.
a. Contact the project 'OLR' POC at paragraph 16.c for servocylinder repair/exchange insrtuctions.
b. Remove and replace servocylinder per Ref 13.a or 13.c and applicable paragraph below dependent
upon servo:
(1) Directional servocylinder removal: AH--64A, TM 1--1520--238--23 paragraph 7.23, AH--64D,
TM 1--1520--Longbow/Apache IETM task: Servocylinder, hydraulic, directional servocylinder, remove and
(2) Collective servocylinder removal: AH--64A, TM 1--1520--238--23 paragraph 7.41, AH--64D,
TM 1--1520--Longbow/Apache IETM task: Servocylinder, hydraulic, collective servocylinder, remove and
(3) Lateral servocylinder removal: AH--64A, TM 1--1520--238--23 paragraph 7.44, AH--64D, TM
1--1520--Longbow/Apache IETM task: Servocylinder, hydraulic, lateral servocylinder, remove and install.
(4) Longitudinal servocylinder removal: AH--64A, TM 1--1520--238--23 paragraph 7.47,
AH--64D, TM 1--1520--Longbow/Apache IETM task: Servocylinder, hydraulic, longitudinal servocylinder, re-
move and install.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition .
a. Parts Required. Items cited in paragraph 7 may be required to replace unserviceable items.
Parker Hannifin P/N
b. Requisitioning Instructions. All requisitions shall use project code (CC 57--59) "XFL" , "X--RAY--
FOXTROT--LIMA." Replacement parts through normal supply channels using normal supply procedures,
only when the component is unserviceable for reasons other than null check.
Project code "XFL" , "X--RAY--FOXTROT--LIMA", is required to track and establish a data base
of stock fund expenditures incurred by the field as result of TB actions.
c. Bulk and Consumable Materials. N/A.
d. Disposition. Returned removed parts/components using normal supply procedures, only when the
component is unserviceable for reasons other than null check. All turn--in documents must include project
code (CC 57--59) "XFL", "X--RAY--FOXTROT--LIMA".