TB 1-1520-238-20-99
b. Requisitioning Instructions----for all units, regardless of priority status. Submit requisitions for re-
placement parts for affected aircraft upon receipt of this TB. Requisition replacement parts using normal sup-
ply procedures. Requisitioning activities will pay standard price when ordering parts; however, retail SMA
activities will provide 100% credit for turn-ins, reflecting the defective Army-managed NSN and project code
Bulk and Consumable Materials. N/A.
d. Disposition. Return defective assets using the normal material return program; however, it is
imperative that turn-ins be processed and shipped as expeditiously as possible to B52 in condition code "J",
using the return priority 03. The use of premium transportation is mandatory for this item.
Project code "XF7" is required to track and a establish a da-
tabase of stock fund expenditures incurred by the field as
a result of SOF actions.
11. Special Tools and Fixtures Required. N/A.
Category of Maintenance. AVUM. Aircraft downtime will be charged to AVUM.
Estimated Time Required.
(1) Records Check. Total of 1 man-hour using 1 person.
(2) Remove and replace the main transmission:
(a) Total of 16 man-hours using 2 persons.
(b) Total of 8 hours downtime per end time.
c. Estimated Cost Impact To the Field. 5,880 total cost per aircraft (1 main transmission, all listed
TB/MWOs To Be Applied Prior To Or Concurrently With This Inspection. N/A.
Publications Which Require a Change As a Result of This Inspection.
(1) TM 1-1520-238-10/-CL, TM 1-1520-251--10/-CL, TM 1-1520-238-23, and the IETM for the
AH-64D shall be changed to reflect this TB. A copy of this TB shall be inserted in the appropriate TM as au-
thority to implement the change until the printed change is received.
(2) The following changes will be made to TM 1-1520-238-10 page 9-13 paragraph 9.12 and to
Immediate emergency action must follow failure of dual hy-
draulic system. Any hesitation could result in loss of heli-
copter control. With emergency hydraulic switch on, flight
control inputs must be kept to a minimum, as hydraulic
pressure may only be available for 30 to 41 seconds. It is
imperative that a landing be executed without delay.