TB 1-1520-240-20-106
The following are approved dampener bearing configurations. These configurations
can be mixed on rotor heads.
Inboard Bearings
c. lnspect each lag dampener assembly with outboard elastomeric rod end bearings to determine if
a 1/4 inch thick jam nut is installed. If a 1/4 inch thick jam nut is installed on the elastomeric rod end bearing
refer to paragraph 8D below. If a 1/2 inch thick jam nut is installed on the elastomeric rod end bearing, the
lag dampener is unserviceable. Refer to paragraph 9A and 9B for correction procedure.
d. lf the 1/4 inch thick jam nut is instailed on the elastomeric bearing, measure the distance from the
rod end to the notched end of the piston in accordance with TM 55-1520-240-23-4, task 5-89, paragraph
2. This is dimension `A".
MH-47E users may use TM 55-1520-240-23-4 to perform this inspection since it allows the measure
ment to be taken without removing the bolt.
e. If dimension "A" is between 3.345 inch and 3.435 inch the lag dampener is improperly adjusted and
it is unserviceable. Refer to paragraphs 9A and 9B for correction procedures.
Do not readjust the rod end assembly. Rod ends which have operated in this condition are fatigued. They
will be removed from service and will be demilitarized in accordance with paragraph 10.
f. lf the dimension "A" is between 3.095 inch and 3.185 inch the rod end adjustment is correct, and
the dampener is serviceable. If it is not refer to paragraph 9B. The lag dampener should be identified as part
9. Correction Procedures.
a. Remove the lag dampener.
b. Replace the lag dampener with a serviceable lag dampener or replace the rod end, tang washer,
and jam nut with the parts listed in paragraph 10A in accordance with TM 55-1520-240-23-4, task 5-89 or
TM 1-1520-252-23-4, task 5-131.
P/N 114H6800-9 configuration lag dampener shall not be installed on H-47 series aircraft. Loss of or
damage to aircraft may result.
c. Change the data plate of any lag dampeners that are identified as 114H6800-9 to 114H6800-11 only
after the lag dampener has been adjusted to the correct length and has the correct parts identified in para-