TB 1-1520-240-20-150
The TAMMS Compliance Report only confirms the unit has made the
initial logbook entry for assigned aircraft. TAMMS Compliance Report
will include aircraft serial numbers (in numerical order), date of entry on
DA Form2408-13-1, unit address, local Point Of Contact name and
phone number.
b. TAMMS Compliance Report -- Submit TAMMS Compliance Report via email to "safeadm@reds-
tone.army.mil" no later than 15 October 2002.
Task/Inspection Compliance Requirements.
The Task/Inspection Reporting Form is available at
"www.redstone.army.mil/sof/log.xls" (use lower case letters only) or may
be obtained from the units servicing LAR. This report will cite the
message number, date of inspection, aircraft serial number, aircraft
hours, component serial number, component hours, and results of
a. Aircraft -- Submit Task/Inspection Compliance Report for this message to Logistical point of contact
no later than 19 October 2002.
b. Retail Stock (Installation level and below) -- Submit Task/Inspection Compliance Report for this mes-
sage to Logistical point of contact no later than 19 October 2002.
Wholesale Stock (Including Depot stock, Depot Maintenance and Single Stock Fund) -- N/A.
Special Provisions to Message Requirements (Aircraft)
a. Aircraft in AVUM, AVIM or Depot level maintenance - Commander, facility manager and contractors
will not issue aircraft until they are in compliance with this message.
b. Aircraft at Contractor Facility - Boeing Helicopters will inspect DD 250 aircraft prior to those aircraft
departing for ferry to final destination if not relieved by paragraph 5a notes.
Aircraft in Transit -
(1) Surface/air shipment - Comply with message requirements prior to first flight after arrival.
(2) Ferry status/Aircraft away from home station - Aircraft in Ferry status/Aircraft away from
home station are authorized a one--time flight (with intermediate stops) to the nearest secure maintenance
facility to facilitate message compliance.
d. Maintenance Trainers (Category A and B). Comply with message requirements no later than 30
April 2003.
Technical Procedures/Instructions ..
Supplemental information for this message can be viewed at (use lower
case letters only) "www.redstone.army.mil/sof/suppl/c47s0301.pdf".
Do not lubricate the swashplate prior to performing the visual inspection
a. Visual initial and 100 hour recurring inspection of all H--47 Forward and Aft Swashplate Bearings.
This inspection can be performed on or off aircraft.
It is imperative that the Rotor Head be locked out prior to
performing the bearing inspection or damage to components will