TB 1-1520-240-20-90
f. Component/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others) Including War Reserves. Upon receipt of this TB the
materiel condition tags of all items listed in paragraph 6 below in all condition codes shall be annotated to read 'TB 1-
1520-240-20-90, One Time Records Check, Visual Inspection of Forward Synchronizing Drive Shaft Assemblies, not
complied with."
(1) Wholesale Stock. Report receipt of this TB in accordance with paragraph 14c(1). Upon receipt of this TB
all serviceable items (condition codes "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E") listed in paragraph 6 located in wholesale depot storage
shall be placed in condition code "J" and tagged with a suspended tag/label materiel, DD Form 1576/DD Form 1576-1.
Do not remove original condition tags. Report compliance in accordance with paragraph 14d(1).
(2) Retail Stock. Report receipt of this TB in accordance with paragraph 14c(2). Upon receipt of this TB
commanders and others maintaining retail stock at installation level and below shall contact the supported aviation unit to
perform the inspection required by paragraph 8 below and the correction procedures of paragraph 9 on discrepant
materiel. Disposition of discrepant materiel will be in accordance with paragraph 10. Report compliance with this TB in
g. Components/Parts in Work. All items listed in paragraph 6 below shall not be issued until compliance with this
TB has been completed.
2. Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Within 10 flight hours or 14 days from receipt of superseded message or receipt
of this TB, whichever is received first.
3. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. No
later than 01
November 1996 per paragraph 14a of
this TB.
4. Summary of the Problem.
a. Corpus Christi Army Depot (CCAD) has announced a recall due to a process deviation concerning rework
procedures and the assembly of the retainer assembly to some 145D3400-23/-25/-32 forward synchronizing drive shaft
b. For a limited period of time, the Teflon inserts were erroneously being removed from the retainer assembly (part
number 11 4D3207-3, NSN 1615-00-066-0285) prior to installation to the forward synchronizing drive shaft assembly.
c. A total of 27 forward synchronizing drive shaft assemblies are suspect. Of these, 16 were located locally at
CCAD and have been reworked to conform to the correct technical criteria. The remaining 11 were requisitioned and
issued to CH-47D field units world wide.
d. For Manpower/Downtime and Funding Impacts, see paragraph 12 below.
e. The purpose of this TB is to perform a one time records check, and conduct a visual verification inspection of all
145D3400-23/-25/-32 forward synchronizing drive shaft assembly identification (data) plates for the suspect serial
numbers listed in paragraph 8 below. If found, these forward synchronizing drive shaft assemblies are to be removed
from service and returned to CCAD for rework and return supply.
5. End Items to be Inspected. All CH-47D, MH-47D, and MH-47E aircraft.
6. Assembly Components to be Inspected.
Drive Shaft Assembly
Drive Shaft Assembly
Drive Shaft Assembly
7. Parts to be Inspected. N/A
8. Inspection Procedures.
a. Perform a one time records check for the following forward synchronizing drive shaft assembly suspect serial