Correction Procedures.
Prepare the aircraft for safe ground maintenance.
b. Remove suspect 5,000 pound tie-down receptacles. See TM 55-1520-240-23-2, Task 2-205 or
TM 1-1520-252-23-3, Task 2-190.
c. Install 5,000 pound tie-down receptacles, paying particular attention to
coating the threads of
adapter and bushing with sealant. See TM 55-1520-240-23-2, Task 2-206 or TM 1-1520-252-23-3, Task
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.
Parts Required. Items cited in paragraph 6 and 7 above may be required to replace defective items.
Requisitioning Instructions. N/A.
c. Bulk and Consumable Materials. As specified in referenced TM 55-1520-240-23-2, Task 2-206, or
TM 1-1520-252-23-3, Task 2-191.
Disposition. N/A.
Disposition of Hazardous Material. N/A.
11. Special Tools, Jigs and Fixtures Required. N/A.
12. Application.
Category of Maintenance. AVUM. Aircraft downtime will be charged to AVUM.
b. Estimated Time Required.
(1) Total of 2 man-hours using 1 person.
(2) Total of 2 hours downtime for one end item.
Estimated Cost Impact of Stock Fund Items to the Field. N/A.
TB/MWOs to be Applied Prior to or Concurrently with this Inspection. N/A.
Publications Which Require Change as a Result of This Inspection.
(1) TM 55-1520-240-PM and TM 1-1520-252-PM will be changed per this TB to require a phase
(200 hour) inspection of the cabin floor and ramp 5,000 pound tie-down fitting for serviceability in accordance
with Task 2-205.1 of TM 55-1520-240-23-2 or Task 2-109.1 of TM 1-1520-252-23-3.
(2) A copy of this TB shall be inserted in the appropriate TMs as authority to implement the
change until the tag printed change is received. Pen and ink changes are authorized.
13. References.
a. Message, ATCOM, AMSAT-C-XS, 251350Z Apr 94, subject: Aviation Safety Action Message
(ASAM), Maintenance Mandatory, RCS CSGLD-1860(R1), all CH-47D, MH-47D, MH-47E, One Time
Inspection of the 5,000 Pound Tie-Down Receptacle Assemblies and Provide Instructions to Correct Defec-
tive Tie-Down Receptacle Assemblies P/N 114S2893 (CH-47-94-ASAM-05) (TB 1-1520-240-20-71).
TM 55-1520-240-23-2.
TM 1-1520-252-23-3.
d. TM 55-1520-240-PM.
e. TM 1-1520-252-PM.
14. Recording and Reporting Requirements.
a. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date (Aircraft). Upon entering requirements of this TB on DA Form
2408-13-1 on all subject MDS aircraft, forward a priority message, datafax or E-Mail to Commander, ATCOM,