TB 1-1730-229-30-3
If exhaust appears to be a grey fog and the EGT meter does not show an
increase, discontinue starting procedure and set ENGINE CONTROL
switch to STOP. Do not attempt to restart until the problem is resolved.
If engine RPM stabilizes between 60 and 95%, this indicates a hung
start. Make sure STARTER CURRENT has decreased to 0. Shut off
unit and repeat the engine start procedure.
______ g. Engine RPM should reach 95% within 60 seconds and EGT should stabilize at approximately
______ h. Verify that no hydraulic or fuel leaks exist.
______ i.
Close both bleed valves at hydraulic control panel.
______ j.
Verify hydraulic pressure is at 450-600 psig.
______ k.
Observe that the BATTERY CHG/DISCH meter indicates a positive charge within 90
______ l.
Verify that all indications (EGT, RPM, etc.) are normal.
______ m. Verify that the exhaust ejector/engine connection does not have excessive exhaust leaks.
______ n. Verify operation of inlet filter switch and damper by partially blocking off air inlet. Damper
shall open and filter warning light shall illuminate.
During engine operation, EGT readings above 1250oF should not be
allowed for more than 10 seconds. Automatic or manual shutdown
should be initiated.
Drive Motor (Propulsion) Ramp Up and Down Operation.
The following test can be conducted with engine running.
______ a. Test the propulsion on a 12 6 degree slope in forward and reverse directions.
______ b. Remove pin in DRIVE/DISENGAGE handle, push in to the DISENGAGE position and replace
the pin.
The DO NOT TOW light on tow bar is NOT lit.
______ c.
Place drive switch in the OFF position.
______ d. Shut down unit using the emergency stop switch. Engine shall immediately shut down.