TB 1-1730-229-30-03
Clear area around the hydraulic load bank of all personnel when
hydraulic pressure is initially applied. High pressure fluid and flailing
hoses can cause injury.
If abnormal indications are observed in the following steps, set the MAIN
POWER switch to OFF, set RETURN BYPASS valve to BYPASS and
open load bank FLOW CONTROL valve to release pressure.
Discontinue test until problem is corrected.
_____ b. Set MAIN POWER switch to ON. Observe that HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURE gauge
reads 450-600 psig. Push TEST LIGHTS switch on hydraulic control panel to see if all
hydraulic control panel lights illuminate.
_____ c.
Open HIGH PRESS BLEED and RETURN BLEED and wait until red mist in viewing ports
turns dark, indicating that the air is out of the lines, then close.
_____ d. Verify the hydraulic load bank flow valve is set to its lowest limit.
_____ e. Set hydraulic OUTPUT switch to ON.
_____ f.
Set the HYDRAULIC MODULE PRESSURE switch to increase until the hydraulic module
pressure gauge reads 3200 psig.
Indicated hydraulic load bank pressure: _______psig
AGPU hydraulic module pressure gauge pressure: _______psig
If pressure will not increase adjust the relief valve to a higher setting.
_____ g. Check the High Pressure bypass function of the unit as follows:
(1) Slowly open the high pressure bypass valve while observing the hydraulic pressure
gauge. Open the valve until the gauge indicates a pressure drop of 150-200 psig.
(2) Close the high pressure bypass valve and observe the pressure returns to the previously
set value.
_____ h. Set the pump pressure switch to increase until the hydraulic output pressure gauge reads
approximately 3500 psig. Adjust the relief valve if necessary.
_____ i.
On the hydraulic load bank, adjust the flow control valve to attain an indication of 15.0 GPM
flow on the load bank's flow meter.
_____ j.
Record readings. Adjust the AGPU and load bank to achieve 15.2 GPM at 3300 psig
indicated on the load bank.
Pressure at AGPU: _______psig
Pressure at load bank: _______psig
Flow at load bank: _______GPM