TB 1-2840-248-20-2
SECTION II REMOVAL DATA. This section is completed by the organization that is doing the MWO to the
reportable item.
Block 14. Removed from (nomen NHA). Enter the name of the aircraft, component, or assembly from which
the item was removed; for example, engine, power turbine module, and so on.
Block 15. NSN (NHA). Enter the national stock number of the next higher assembly listed in block 14.
Block 16. Part number (NHA). Enter the part number of the item listed in block 14. If item in block 14 is an
aircraft leave this block blank.
Block 17. Serial number (NHA). Enter the serial number of item in block 14. If item in block 14 is an
aircraft leave this block blank.
Block 18. Hours (NHA). Enter the number of operating hours to the nearest hour on the item in block 14 at
the time that the item in block 1 was removed.
Block 19. History recorder serial number. Enter the history recorder serial number. If a module or
component is entered in block 14 leave this block blank.
Block 20. History recorder/hour meter readings. Enter the total cumulative counts for the item entered in
block 14. Calculate the total cumulative counts using the DA Form 2408-16-1 for the item entered in block 14.
This entry is required for engines, history recorders, modules, components and subcomponents entered on the
front and reverse sides of a DA Form 2408-16-1. If the helicopter is entered in block 14, enter the engine
history recorder reading in this block.
Block 21. Aircraft model. Enter the MDS of the aircraft from which this item was removed from. For
example, UH-60A, AH-64A, and so on. If it does not apply, or if the item in block 14 is an engine or module,
leave blank.
Block 22. End item code (EIC). Enter the end item code of the aircraft that the item in block 1 was removed.
If the item in block 14 is an engine or module, leave blank. EIC can be found in Appendix D of DA Pamphlet
Block 23. Aircraft S/N. Enter the serial number of the aircraft from which the item in block 1 was removed.
Block 24. Maint level. Enter the maintenance level of the unit/activity doing the removal. ("O" for AVUM,
"F" for AVIM, "D" for depot.)
Block 25. Date removed. If removal of the component/module is necessary to comply with the MWO, enter
the julian date the item was removed.
Block 26. UIC (this action). Enter the Unit Identification Code for the organization taking this action. If it is a
contractor, enter the proper CAGE code prefixed with a "K."