TB 1-2840-248-20-2
or 1-4 in DA Pamphlet 738-751 at the end of chapter 1 for selection of the actual failure code. Line through the
failure code in block 10, copy 2 and 3 after repair, overhaul, rebuild, or inspection and enter "SC1". Condition
status and other data of the item after repair, overhaul, rebuild or inspection as indicated in blocks 10 and 36,
copy 2 and 3, will be annotated on the materiel condition tag/label (DD Form 1574/1574-1) and attached to the
reportable item.
NOTE: Update blocks 6, 9 and REMARKS when needed on copies 2 and 3. Copy number 3 of the DA Form
2410 stays with the component/module until installation.