TB 1-1520-238-20-116
(3) Initiate flow of fluid being sampled using appropriate means; and allow initial quantity (approxi-
mately 3 ounces) to flow into waste receptacle to flush away contaminants in sampling line and contaminants
produced by mechanical operations.
(4) Without interrupting fluid flow, place 3--ounce AOAP sample bottle under fluid stream and par-
tially fill bottle (approximately 1/4--inch from bottom then stop flow.
(5) Cap bottle and shake contents vigorously, then remove cap and drain contents into waste re-
(6) Repeat steps 3 through 5 to rinse bottle and proceed to step 7.
(7) Initiate the flow of fluid again and allow initial quantily to flow into waste receptacle.
(8) Without intererupting flow, place rinsed bottle under fluid stream and fill to top shoulder leaving
about 1/2 --inch air space at top of bottle.
(9) Remove sample bottle from stream and terminate fluid flow.
(10) Visually check sample for evidence of water or particulate contamination and look for discol-
ored, red, or milky color.
(a) If contaminants are not noted, proceed to step 8.a. (11) to continue sampling.
(b) If viisible contamination is noted, again collect sample using steps 8.a.(3) through 8.a.(9).
(c) If contamination is not noted after re--sampling, proceed to step 8.a.(11).
(d) If viisible contamination is noted, perform corrective actions in accordance with para-
graph 9 before submitting sample.
(11) If sample appears uncontaminated, install cap and wipe off residual fluid from bottle surface.
(12) Label sample bottle and affix tag identifying system (primary or utility) or ASGE sampled.
Data gathered from samples, after analysis by ah AOAP laboratory, will determine
the future inspections or corrective action required for restoring aircraft i service.
(13) Send samples to Unit AOAP Laboratory for analysis via shipping sack, NSN
(14) After sample is properly submitted for analysis, red horizontal dash//--// may be cleared.
(15) Upon notification by AOAP Laboratory that second hydraulic sample is contaminated, aircraft
flight status must be changed to red //X// and procedures found in paragraph 9 must be performed.
b. Auxilliary Ground Power Unit (AGPU) Sampling Procedures:
D When sampling other types of ground hydraulic servicing equip-
ment, the procedures in TB 1--1520--238--20--116 may be modified
or tailored to fit speciiific equipment.
D The initial Auxilliary Ground Power Unit hydraulic fluid sampling is
performed upon receipt of TB 1--1520--238--20--116. Recurring
samples should be taken every seven days after the initial sample
is obtained.
(1) Inspect AGPU reservoir vent dryer to ensure desiccant is minimum of 25 percent blue color;
and if level is lower, replace with new desiccant, NSN 6650--00--680--2233.
(2) Inspect AGPU accessories to ensure that set of 30--foot pressure and return hoses, two sets
of 10--foot pressure hoses, return and adapter hoses for AH--64 aircraft, and dual service manifold hoses are
available and serviceable.