TB 1-1520-238-20-116
Component/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others) Including War Reserves. Not applicable.
(1) Wholesale Stock. Not applicable.
(2) Retail Stock. Not applicable.
g. Components/Parts in Work (Depot Level and Others). Not applicable.
Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Not applicable.
a. For Aviation Ground Support Equipment (AGSE) complete the inspection within 30 days from re-
ceipt of TB 1--1520--238--20--116.
b. Refer to Paragraph 8 of this TB to complete the required inspection for all AH--64 series aircraft no
later than 50 flight hours after receipt of this TB.
The hydraulic test bench uses a built--in reservoir to
introduce fluid into the primary and/or utility hydraulic system.
c. For hydraulic ground support equipment and the hydraulic test bench, complete the inspection within
30 days from receipt of TB 1--1520--238--20--116.
Reporting Compliance Suspense Date.
Report compliance in
accordance with paragraph 14.a. no
er than 01 December 2002.
a. The Army Safety Action Team (ASAT) directs that hydraulic fluid be added immediately to all army
aircraft not included in the AOAP.
b. For manpower/downtime and funding impacts refer to paragraph 12 of this TB.
The purposes of this technical bulletin (TB) are as follows:
(1) To require immediate hydraulic fluid sampling of all ground hydraulic power units (with reser-
voirs) used to support all AH--64 aircraft. Change sampling intervals for the AGPU to 30 days.
(2) To require initial hydraulic fluid sampling of both the utility and primary systems for all AH-64
series aircraft under the AOAP, and establish recurring hydraulic fluid sampling every 50 flight hours.
(3) Change current bleeding procedures in TM 1--1520--238--23, paragraph 1.35, and TM
1--1520--Longbow/Apache Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM).
End Items To Be Inspected. All AH--64 aircraft and associated ground support hydraulic power units.
Assembly Components To Be Inspected. Not applicable.
Parts To Be Inspected. Not applicable.
Inspection Procedures.
a. Refer to the following general instructions for taking hydraulic fluid samples of the aircraft and asso-
ciated ground support equipment (AGSE):
(1) Collect samples using 3--ounce AOAP plastic bottle.
(2) Remove dirt and all other external contaminants from the sampling point and all hardware con-
nections by rinsing with 15--ounce electron spray can, NSN 6850--01--371--8084 or equivalent environmental-
ly acceptable solution. Wipe dry using lint--free cloth, NSN 830--01--125--0725.
D Sampling points, hoses, and connections that have not been adequately cleaned prior
to use may produce erroneous test results and an unnecessary rejection of a system
under test.
D Prior to taking a sample, operate the system being tested (15 to 30 minutes)to obtain