TB 1-1520-238-20-116
(3) Ensure that all hydraulic hose connectors on AGPU hydraulic control panel; dual service man-
ifold; and hoses are protected from contamination using a cap or plug.
(4) Remove dual service manifold from storage in AGPU and place on large drip pan or other clean
surface at location about 30 feet away from AGPU hydraulic control panel.
Inspect each hose coupling for observable contamination and wipe clean prior to
making the connection. Connect the removed plugs to removed caps at each con-
(5) Connect hoses to dual manifold in accordance with TM 55--1730--229--12, paragraph 2--7.
Operation of the Auxilliary Ground Power Unit (AGPU) shall only done by trained,
qualified operators. Refer to the instruction plate located on hydraulic control panel
door for important setup and shutdown procedures for the AGPU hydraulic system.
(6) Perform hydraulic system self--filtering and purging operationin accordance with TM
55--1730--229--12, paragraph 3--0.
(7) Immediately following shut down, take sample from system drain connector on AGPU hydrau-
lic control panel by opening reservoir drain valve. Refer to paragraph 8.a of TB 1--1520--238--20--116.
(8) Recurring 30--day samples may be taken from reservoir drain fitting without operating AGPU.
AH--64A and AH--64D Hydraulic Fluid Sampling Procedures.
D The initial and recurring aircraft hydraulic fluid sampling is performed only after
ensuring that the Auxilliary Ground Power Unit (AGPU) is not contaminated. Recur-
ring hydraulic fluid samples shall be taken every 50 flight hours.
D Hydraulic samples shall be taken within 15 minutes following engine shutdown follow-
ing flight or suitable 15 to 30 minute Auxilliary Power Unit (APU) run.
D Additional hydraulic fluid samples are required after removal of any major hydraulic
component (such as the main hydraulic pump, servocylinder, or manifold). Replacing
O--rings or opening quick--disconnects does not require a sample.
(1) Utility Hydraulic Fluid Sampling Procedures:
(a) Open door R325 and attach hydraulic sample tool (AH64HDC) to utility return coupling
on Ground Service Equipment (GSE) panel.
(b) Open valve and collect sample in accordance with paragraph 8.a. of TB
(c) remove sampling tool and reinstall protective cap on coupling and clean up spilled hy-
draulic fluid.
(d) Inspect reservoir for proper fluid level and service as required using TM 1--1520--238--23,
task 1.34, or TM 1--1520--Longbow/Apache (IETM).
(2) Primary Hydraulic Fluid Sampling Procedures:
(a) Attach sampling tool to primary hydraulic return connector on GSE panel. Position bucket
under primary reservoir drain to catch possible overflow.