TB 1-1520-238-20-89
(6) Place opaque (dark colored blanket, black poly sheet, etc.) cover over inspector and area to be inspected.
Use Black and White Light Meters to assure proper light intensities (less than 2 ft-candles). Allow at least one minute for
eyes to adjust to dark conditions.
(7) Inspect entire inner diameter of bolt with black light. Use inspection mirror for closer inspection. Pay
particular attention to middle of Strap Pack Bolt.
The minimum size flaw of 0.020 inch long may show as nothing more than a pin
(8) If bleed out occurs, wipe indication with solvent dampened swab. Allow 30 minute dwell time and reinspect.
If indication does not reappear it is not a defect. If the indication reappears, replace the Strap Pack and submit a Cat 1
QDR, and contact Technical Point of Contact.
(9) If no cracks are present, clean area. Reassemble Main Rotor Head.
(10) Reinspect every 125 hours.
b. Lead Lag Link Sleeve Bearing Inspection.
(1) Inspect all Lead Lag Links (7-311411155) for the -11 configuration. If no -11 configured Lead Lag Links are
found, inspection is complete, no corrective action required. If a -11 configuration link is found, continue with inspection
(2) Main Rotor Blade from all -11 links IAW paragraph 5.3 of TM 1-1520-238-23.
(3) Remove -11 Lead Lag Link IAW paragraph 5.33 of TM 1-1520-238-23.
(4) Inspect Lead Lag Link for Sleeve Bearings manufactured by Southwest Products. Teflon Liners in the
Southwest Products Sleeve Bearings have a milky white film. Teflon Liners in Sleeve Bearings produced by other
manufactures are dark brown or black.
(5) If Liners in all Sleeve Bearings are brown or black and overall condition is serviceable, IAW paragraph
5.33.5 TM 1-1520-238-23, inspection is complete, no corrective action required. No recurring inspection is required for
these Sleeve Bearings/Links. If liner(s) are milky white, proceed with Inspection of paragraph 8b(6).
(6) If Teflon Liners in any Sleeve Bearing has a milky white film, inspect for overall condition. If its condition is
unserviceable, IAW paragraph 5.33.5 TM 1-1520-238-23, proceed to paragraph 9 below. If its condition is serviceable, no
correction procedure is necessary. Reassemble Link and Blades.
(7) Reinspect every 50 hours.
Correction Procedures.
a. Strap Pack Bolt.
(1) If any cracks are found in the Strap Pack Bolt, replace Strap Pack IAW paragraph 5.35, TM 1-1520-238-23.
A Category 1 Deficiency Report will be required. Contact the Technical Point of Contact for disposition.
(2) Repeat Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection every 125 flight hours.
b. Lead
Lag Link Bearings.
Remove and Replace Sleeve Bearing(s) IAW paragraph 5.33a, TM 1-1520-238-23.
Reinstall Lead Lag Links lAW paragraph 5.33, TM 1-1520-238-23.
Repeat Lead Lag Link Bearing inspection of Southwest Products Bearings every 50 hours.
Reinstall Main Rotor Blades IAW paragraph 5.4, TM 1-1520-238-23.
10. Supply/Parts and Disposition.