TB 1-1520-240-20-102
c. Reporting Message Receipt (Spares).
(1) Material in Wholesale Depot Storage. N/A.
(2) Material in Retail Storage. Report receipt of this message by e-mail or datafax to the logistical point of
contact listed in paragraph 16b within 7 days from the date of this message. Provide local point of contact.
d. Task/Inspection Reporting Suspense Date (Spares).
(1) Material in Wholesale Depot Storage. N/A.
(2) Material in Retail Storage. Report compliance with this TB by e-mail or datafax to the logistical point of
contact in paragraph 16b within 14 days of the date of this message. The report will cite this TB number, date of
inspection, suspect transmission serial numbers, TSO of suspect transmission, along with point of contact and telephone
number. A negative report is required.
e. The following forms are applicable and are to be completed in accordance with DA PAM 738-751,15 June 1992:
For units using ULLS-A, use applicable "E" forms.
(1) DA Form 2408-5-1, Equipment Modification Record (Component).
(2) DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Status Information Record.
(3) DA Form 2408-13-1, Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance Record.
(4) DA Form 2408-15, Historical Record for Aircraft.
(5) DA Form 2408-16, Aircraft Component Historical Record.
(6) DA Form 2410, Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul Record.
15. Weight and Balance. N/A.
16. Points of Contact.
a. Technical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Larry Wieschhaus, AMSAM-AR-E-I-C-H, DSN 897-4296 or
commercial (256) 313-4296. Datafax is DSN 897-4348. E-mail is wieschhausl@avrdecr. redstone.army.mil.
b. Logistical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Norm Huston, SFAE-AV-CH-L, DSN 897-4289 or commercial (256)
313-4289. E-mail is hustonn@peoavn.redstone.army.mil.
c. The wholesale materiel point of contact (Spares) for this TB is Mr. Ed Holter, AMSAM-MMC-VSUC, DSN 897-
1125 or (256) 313-1125. Datafax is 897-1558. E-mail is holter-ec@redstone.army.mil.
d. Forms and records point of contact for this TB is Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAM-MMC-RE-FF, DSN 746-5564 or
commercial (256) 876-5564. Datafax is DSN 746-4904. E-mail is waldeck-ab@exchange 1.redstone.army.mil.
e. Safety point of contact for this TB is Mr. Howa rd Chilton, AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 897-2068 or commercial (256) 313-
2068. Datafax is DSN 897-2111. E-mail is chilton-hl@redstone.army.mil. Alternate point of contact is Mr. Teng Ooi,
AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 897-2094 or (256) 313-2094. Datafax is DSN 897-2111. E-mail is ooi-tk@redstone.army.mil.
f. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) recipients requiring clarification of action advised by this TB should contact CW5
Joseph L. Wittstrom, Security Assistance Management, AMSAM-SA, DSN 897-0681 or (256) 313-0681. E-mail is
wittstrom-jl@redstone.army.mil or Mr. Ronnie W. Sammons, AMSAM-SA-CS-NF, DSN 897-0869 or (256) 313-0869.
Datafax is DSN 897-0411 or (256) 313-0411. E-mail is sammonsrw@redstone.army.mil. (Huntsville, AL is GMT minus 6
hours.) g. After hours, contact the AMCOM Command Operations Center (COC) DSN 897-2066/7 or commercial (256)