TB 1--1520--240--20--145
c. Aircraft in Transit --
For aircraft away from home station: After visual inspection for residue,
and/or swashplate damage, check for looseness with hydraulic power
applied. Have helper move thrust control up and down and observe the
actuator to swashplate connection for looseness or play. If residue, and/
or swashplate damage, and/or looseness is detected, this safety of flight
message procedure shall be performed at the aircraft' s present location.
If residue, and/or swashplaate damage, and/or looseness is not de-
tected, this message authorizes a one time flight, with intermediate
stops, to return to the nearest secured maintenance facility/home station.
d. Maintenance Trainers (Category A and B). Inspect the forward pivoting actuator upper attachment
bearing in accordance with CH-47-02-04 (TB 1-1520-240-20-145) no later than 8 JUN 02.
e. Component/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others) including War Reserves -
(1) Wholesale Stock --N/A.
(2) Retail Stock -- Upon receipt of this Technical Bulletin, Commanders and Facility Managers
maintaining retail stock at Installation level and below shall contact the supported aviation unit to perform the
procedures required in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 on suspect materiel. Dispose of discrepant mate-
riel in accordance with paragraph 10. Report compliance with this Technical Bulletin in accordance with 14c
(2) no later than 22 FEB 02.
f. Components/Parts in Work (Depot Level and Others) -- Depot and other Maintenance Activity Com-
manders will ensure items listed in paragraph 6 are not issued until they are in compliance with this Technical
Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Prior to next flight but no later than 22 FEB 02.
3. TAMMS Reporting Compliance Suspense Date.
Report compliance in
accordance with paragraph
14a (1) no
later than 12
FEB 02.
Summary of the Problem.
a. A quality Deficiency Report has been received from the field documenting that the wrong bearing
was installed in the forward pivoting actuator upper attachment. The appaarent cause was an error in the parts
manual; while this wrong bearing fits properly in the actuator , its inner diameter is too large for the mating bolt.
c. The purpose of this Technical Bulletin is to require a one time inspection of all H--47 forward pivoting
actuator upper atttachment bearings for the proper part.
End Items to be inspected. All H--47 series aircraft.
Assembly Components to be Inspected.