SB 742-1
(1) Store all L8A1 & L8A3 grenades in a ventilated
area or magazine.
(2) Storage magazines containing these grenades shall
be opened and allowed to ventilate three to five minutes prior
a. FSC: 1330
to entry by personnel.
Grenade, Launcher, Smoke:
(3) These grenades shall only be unpacked out of
Screening, RP, (UK) L8A1 & L8A3; Grenade Launcher, Smoke: doors or in a well ventilated area.
IR Screening, M76; Grenade, Launcher, Smoke: Simulant
(4) Do not open storage containers in the vicinity of
Screening, M82.
open flame or flame producing devices.
c. These grenades are used with the four tube launchers
(M243, M257 or M259) or the six tube launchers (M239 or AA-3. Testing and Equipment Requirements
M250) mounted on armored/tactical vehicles.
d. Grenade, Launcher, Smoke: Screening, RP, (UK) L8A1
& L8A3 (G815). These grenades are used to provide a self-
Test Equipment for APE 1974 APE
L8A1/A3 M76
screening smoke capability for armored/tactical vehicles. The
L8 Series Grenades 1974E002
grenade consists of a rubber cylindrical body and a metal base.
& M76 Kit
phosphorous/butyl rubber in a 95/5 proportion and a central
plastic burster tube containing a burster charge of 15 grams of
Test Instrument
black powder. The metal base contains the electrical clips, F92
squib type electric fuze, propellant charge of 3.0 grams black
powder; and the delay assembly with delay composition (0.26 AA-4. Inspection Category and Sampling Plan.
grams black powder, L8A1; 0.36 grams black powder, L8A3).
a. Inspection category Z; Periodic Inspection Interval 2
The metal base contains eight gas propulsion holes covered by years.
a metal foil diaphragm.
b. Sampling plan and accept/reject criteria for inspection
e. Grenade, Launcher, Smoke: IR Screening, M76 (G826). is IAW SB 742-1.
This grenade is used to provide an infrared and visual smoke
c. Item will be inspected and classified IAW SB 742-1 and
screening capability for armored/tactical vehicles.
grenade consists of a plastic cylindrical body that contains
1200 grams of IR composition (brass flake material), a central
burster containing 31 grams of Comp A-5 with a booster of AA-5. Specific Inspection Points. See Table AA-2.
0.47 grams of Comp CH-6, a safe and arm (S&A) mechanism, AA-6. Inspection Description.
and a propellant assembly. The S&A mechanism consists of
a. Inspection Description I-1. A black or green buildup of
an out-of-line spring loaded slider/bore rider containing an
material can occur around firing clips on the L8A1 of L8A3
explosive lead with 0.07 grams of PBXN5 and a spring loaded
setback lock. The propellant assembly contains a propellant grenades. This substance is not leaking filler but a type of
charge of 1.2 grams of black powder, a pyrotechnic delay galvanic corrosion resulting from chemical reaction between
detonator, and a propellant retainer which has the electrical copper rivets holding electrical contacts and phosphine gas
contacts and the electric match. The delay detonator contains generated from the main filling (red phosphorous).
0.06 grams of A-1A powder, 0.3 grams of delay composition, external corrosion does not normally affect performance. The
firing clips on the grenade connect with a knurled pin contact
0.09 grams of lead azide, and 0.04 grams of RDX.
assembly in the grenade launcher where the knurling will
f. Grenade, Launcher, Smoke: Simulant Screening, M82. make electrical contact through the corrosion. If the corrosion
This grenade is used to provide visual screening capability for is to the extent that metal integrity is questionable, classify as
armored/ tactical vehicles during training exercises. This major defect. If not, corrosion will be considered incidental.
grenade has the same components as the M76 grenade except
b. Inspection Description I-2.
Install grenade into
the 1200 grams of IR.
Continuity Test Fixture. Measure and record resistance of
AA-2. Unique Safety Precautions.
grenade using APE 180. Lots of L8A1 grenades which fail
a. If the M76 smoke grenade is armed (slider/borerider continuity test will be reclassified to Condition Code H (CC-H),
projecting from the body, red showing on slider), DO NOT demil indicated. Lots of L8A3, which fail continuity test, will
Under no be reclassified to CC-F.
attempt to remove grenade from container.
circumstances should attempts be made to return the slider to AA-7. References:
a safe position by hand. Replace packing, close cover, and
a. TM 9-1330-200-12
notify EOD personnel for disposal.
b. TM 9-1330-200-34
b. Red phosphorous grenades produce smoke which may
present an inhalation and irritant hazard. Prolonged exposure
c. TM 43-0001-29
of the eyes and respiratory system should be avoided.
Personnel shall wear protective masks to avoid excessive
d. TM 9-1330-209-14
exposure when exposed to an RP smoke concentration.
c. A phosphine gas atmosphere is generated from the
smoke mix in L8A1 and L8A3 grenades. As a result, the
following safety handling guidance is to be observed.