SB 742-1
Z-4. Inspection category and sampling plan.
a. Inspection category: Category W (five years) for items
not packed in steel cans with gaskets (includes inert items).
Category U (seven years) for items packed in steel cans with
gaskets (includes inert items).
FSC: 1305.
b. Sampling plan for 25mm ammunition will be IAW basic
Ammunition Type: Cartridge, 25mm. Includes the following
portions of SB 742-1, Table 2-3, for Small Arms Ammunition
(SAA) under column heading other.
Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot-Tracer (APDS-T), M791.
High Explosive Incendiary-Tracer (HEI-T), M792 with fuze
Inner pack and item samples must be selected from
point-detonating self-destroying M758.
a minimum of ten outer packs. Additional outer
packs must be inspected at either the inspection or
Target Practice-Tracer (TP-T), M793.
storage location(s) to make a total sample size of
Dummy, M794.
Target Practice Discarding Sabot-Tracer (TPDS-T), M910.
Z-5. Specific inspection points.
Refer to MIL-STD-644, MIL-STD-129, DWG 8796522 for
Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot-Tracer
marking of wood boxes, DWG 12982865 for other than wood
(APFSDS-T), M919
boxes, DWG AC00561 for palletized load marking procedures,
Z-2. Unique safety precautions.
and basic portion of SB 742-1 for inspection of packaging and
a. Ammunition malfunctions will be reported IAW AR
marking. DWGS can be ordered from addressee in paragraph
b. Cartridge, 25mm, M919, APFSDS-T utilizes a depleted
Z-6. Additional guidance for 25mm Ammunition.
uranium (DU) penetrator that emits very low levels of
a. Cartridges, 25mm, M791, M910 and M919.
radiation. Care must be taken when handling this round to
(1) Missing or cracked plastic nose caps do not affect
limit direct contact with the DU penetrator.
the ballistic performance of these cartridges and do not pose
c. Evidence of depleted uranium corrosion is visible in the
any risk to the weapon. Rounds found with missing plastic
form of a yellowish or white powder or stain seen on the outer
nose caps must have the exposed aluminum windscreen
surface of the projectile and is a hazard to personnel. If
visually inspected for dents or damage.
corroded (Yellow or White Corrosion) APFSDS-T M919
(2) Damaged windscreen will be classified as a major
ammunition is encountered, ammunition must be handled
with gloves. The ammunition must be placed in the original
pack, tagged unserviceable, and returned through normal
(3) When defective windscreen samples are noted in
supply channels. Avoid getting depleted uranium corrosion on
sufficient quantities to cause rejection of a serviceable lot,
hands, wash hands with water before eating or putting hands
linked belt will not be separated from the serviceable lot, and
to face. Dispose of gloves IAW AR-385-11.
lot will be reclassified and reported through command
channels to the commodity command.
d. When handling M919, 25mm, APFSDS-T Cartridges
with exposed DU penetrators (i.e. cartridges missing aluminum
(4) Conglomerate lots of 25mm ammunition.
sabots or plastic nose caps) always wear gloves regardless if
Individual lot quantities of 25mm ammunition of less than a
corrosion is present or not. Even though gloves are worn,
standard exterior pack will be accumulated for conglomeration
always wash hands before eating or touching face. Gloves
and reported to the commodity command. The commodity
need not be disposed of or treated as radioactive waste.
command will notify JMC storage activities and overseas
commands of items authorized for conglomeration. Automatic
e. Swipe test is not required on cartridge, 25mm, M919,
disposal of 25mm ammunition is not authorized.
APFSDS-T ammunition unless there is evidence corrosion or
(5) 25mm ammunition will be maintained in stock by
individual lot number regardless of lot size.
f. Exposure to 25mm APFSDS-T ammunition results in
exposure to low-level radiation. The amount of radiation the
(6) Quantities will be accumulated and carried on
soldiers receive is proportional to the time spent in the close
record as usable assets under the appropriate condition code.
vicinity of APFSDS-T M919 ammunition. Although the
25mm ammunition will be reported on DA Form 2415
radiation exposure received is low, avoid unnecessary contact
Ammunition Condition Report (ACR) according to DA PAM
with packaged APFSDS-T M919 ammunition, within mission
738-750 for disposition instructions.
(7) If authorized, relinking will be IAW basic portions
g. Loss or unauthorized firing of M919 rounds must be
of SB 742-1.
reported through the chain of command as soon as discovered.
(8) Conglomerate lots will be inspected for
All transmissions regarding incidents of this nature must be
serviceability at the same interval as other category W items
marked, For Official Use Only (FOUO). HQ, JMC must be
i.e., five years. Sample size will also be the same.
notified within 24 hours of discovery. Report to addressee in
(9) Packed lots will be identified by DODIC and
nomenclature furnished by HQ, JMC.
Z-3. Testing and equipment requirements
Profile and alignment gaging is not authorized at this time.
(10) 25mm with lost lot identity.