CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTIONTechnical assistance.Technical assistance. cont'd - SB-742-10013Technical assistance. cont'd - SB-742-10014Technical assistance. cont'd - SB-742-10015Chapter 2 SURVEILLANCE OF AMMUNITION BY INSPECTIONSelection, inspection, and disposition of samples.Sample disposition.Types of inspectionSafety in storage inspection (SIS)Special inspections (SPI) Ammunition inspection categories and sampling plans Surveillance defect standards.Use of gages and precision-measuring instruments.Condition codesPeriodic Inspection IntervalsTABLE 2-2 PERIODIC INSPECTION INTERVALSTable 2-3. Sample Sizes and Acceptance/Rejection NumbersChapter 3 SURVEILLANCE OF AMMUNITION BY TESTINGStockpile Laboratory Test Program (SLTP).Large Caliber Stockpile Reliability Program (LCSRP)Chapter 4 AMMUNITION QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES FOR MAINTENANCE OPERATIONSAmmunition lot number and suffix assignment.Ballistic test of ammunition.Audit Checklist PreparationProcedure C. PROCEDURES TO REVIEW AMMUNITION MAINTENANCE WORK ORDERS (MWO's)CAR STATUS LOGSample CARsCORRECTIVE ACTION REQUESTSample Quality Audit Check SheetChapter 5 EQUIPMENTCalibration monitoring program.CHAPTER 6 Large Rocket and Guided Missile AmmunitionCHAPTER 7 TOXIC CHEMICAL MATERIELTypes of Inspections.TABLE 7-1. SMI REQUIREMENTS FOR TOXIC CHEMICAL ITEMSDetection, isolation, and containerization cont'd - SB-742-10052Detection, isolation, and containerization cont'd - SB-742-10053Overpacks for TCM and AgentsTable 7-2. Approved Overpacks for Storage of Toxic Chemical MunitionsRequisitioning ProceduresLeak TestingTable 7-3. SINGLE ROUND CONTAINER (SRC) INSPECTION CRITERIA (M55) - SB-742-10058Table 7-3. SINGLE ROUND CONTAINER (SRC) INSPECTION CRITERIA (M55) - SB-742-10059Leaker Report FormInitial Operation and Detection Gross Level Detection Methods. Gross Level Detection Methods. cont'dCHAPTER 8 BASIC LOAD INSPECTION (BLI) AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT ASSISTANCECHAPTER 9. CLASS V MATERIEL SUPPLIED TO NON-SCMA CUSTOMERSChapter 10 AMMUNITION SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM FOR SAFETY AND LOGISTICS FUNCTIONSHandling, storage, and shipping operations.Transport vehicles and vessels.DocumentationMajor Training Area OperationsPrepositioned Ships cont'd Water Port OperationsCHAPTER 11 RECORDS AND REPORTSArmy suspensionReportsDistribution of DSR and Ammunition Data (ADC) to Army activitiesFigure 11-1. AMMUNITION LOT CLUSTER LOGFigure 11-2. LOT CLUSTER MASTER LOGCHAPTER 12 SECURITY ASSISTANCE PROGRAMMateriel acceptability criteriaSpecial instructions. cont'dShipment procedures for SMCA managed materiel.Table 12-1. Sample Size and Acceptance Criteria for FMS and GRACHAPTER 13 PROPELLANT AND PROPELLING CHARGESSafetyTABLE 13-1. PROPELLANT DEFECTS CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDSINCIDENTALAmmunition Stockpile Reliability Program (ASRP)Propellant Reassessment Program (PRP). Selection, Preparation and shipment of Propellant dual granulationSELECTION, PREPARATION AND SHIPMENTPropellant on Prepositioned (PREPO AFLOAT) ShipsAPPENDIX A REFERENCESREFERENCES - SB-742-10100APPENDIX B DSR Card AutomationAPPENDIX C AMMUNITION CONDITION CODESAMMUNITION CONDITION CODES cont'dAPPENDIX C SECTION I. LIST OF SPECIFIC ITEMSBombs, inspection for Helicoil InsertsCartridge actuated devices (CAD) and propellant actuated devices (PAD)Cartridge, 90-mm, HEAT, M371A1 (1315-C282)Conventional ammunition in DEMIL accountItems belonging to other servicesMine, AT Heavy M19 Non-MetallicProjectile, 8-inch, M404.APPENDIX E SMALL ARMS CARTRIDGES THROUGH CALIBER .50Inspection category and sampling planTable E-3 Item DefectsAdditional guidance for SAATable E-4. SAA Pull Test RequirementsClip, cartridge, 5.56, 10 roundAPPENDIX F CARTRIDGE, 60-MM MORTARTable F-2. Item Defects and Method of Inspection.APPENDIX G CARTRIDGE, 81MM MORTARTable G-2. Item Defects and Method of InspectionTable G-2. Item Defects and Method of Inspection. cont'dInspection description and notes - SB-742-10124APPENDIX H CARTRIDGE, 105MM HOWITZER Specific inspection pointsTable H-2 Item Defects and Method of InspectionReferences - SB-742-10128APPENDIX I CARTRIDGE, 105MM APFSDS-T, M73 Table I-1. Item Defects and Method of InspectionAPPENDIX J CARTRIDGE, 105MM APFSDS-T, M774, M833 and M900Table J-1. Equipment Identification ListSwipe (smear) testAPPENDIX K CARTRIDGE, 4.2 INCH MORTARTable K-2. Item Defects and Method of InspectionInspection description and notes - SB-742-10137APPENDIX I CARTRIDGES, 120MM, M829, M829A1, M829A2, M830, M830A1, M856, M831A1, M829A3Gaging and Test RequirementsTABLE L-2 PA-116 AND PA-171 SHIPPING & STORAGE CONTAINERSTABLE L-5: CARTRIDGES, 120MM, HEAT-MP-T, M830 (C787) AND M830A1 (C791, TP-T M831A1 (C784) AND XM908 (CA05)Inspection Description and Notes - SB-742-10143Swipe (Smear) Test (M829, M829A1, and M829A2, Cartridges Only):APPENDIX M LAUNCHER AND CARTRIDGE, 84MM, HE M136 (AT4)Inspection description and notes - SB-742-10146APPENDIX N PROJECTILE, 155MM, ICM FAMILYTable N-3. Item Defects and Method of Inspection Inspection description and notes cont'dAPPENDIX O PROJECTILE, 155-MM, HEAT, M712 AND M823Table O-2. Projectile and Container InteriorAPPENDIX P SMOKE GRENADESTesting and equipment requirements Inspection description and notesAPPENDIX Q RIOT CONTROL GRENADESTable Q-1. Item Defects and Method of InspectionAPPENDIX R FRAGMENTATION GRENADESTable R-2. Item Defects and Method of InspectionAPPENDIX S HAND GRENADE FUZESTable S-1. Item Defects and Method of InspectionFigure S-1. Safety Lever HingeAPPENDIX T ROCKET, 3.5 INCHInspection description and notes - SB-742-10166APPENDIX U ROCKET, 2.75 INCHTABLE U-4. WarheadInspection DescriptionRepair procedures for missing/damaged end shieldAPPENDIX V CHARGE, DEMOLITION, HE, LINEAR M58 SERIES AND CHARGE DEMOLITION, PRACTICE, M68 SERIES Table V-3. Item Defects, Linear Charge M58 and M68 SeriesInspection description and notes - SB-742-10173Figure V-1. Hose clamp torque specificationFigure V-4. Right and wrong positions of the ball end of the armingFigure V-7 Defect classification of the L and D combinationPreissue Inspection of M58 Charges and M68APPENDIX W CANINE EXPLOSIVE SCENT KITTable W-1. Item Defects and Method of InspectionInspection description and notes - SB-742-10181APPENDIX X FUZES, ARTILLERYInspection description and notes - SB-742-10184APPENDIX Y CARTRIDGE, 120MM MORTARTable Y-1. Item defects and method of inspectionInspection description and notes.Appendix Z. CARTRIDGES, 25mmInspection of linked belts.Table Z-1 Ammunition Serviceability CriteriaAppendix AA. GRENADE, LAUNCHER, SCREENING SMOKETable AA-2 Defect and Method of InspectionAppendix AB. DEFECT CODESAppendix AB. DEFECT CODES (cont) - SB-742-10196Appendix AB. DEFECT CODES (cont) - SB-742-10197Appendix AB. DEFECT CODES (cont) - SB-742-10198Appendix AC. STANDARD (NEW) AMMUNITION DEFECT CODESCLASSIFICATION CODE DESCRIPTION:DEFECT/SPECIAL REMARK CODE DESCRIPTIONS:ASSEMBLY DEFECTS. CODE DESCRIPTION:TOXIC CHEMICAL MUNITIONS. CODE DESCRIPTION:Appendix AD. AMMUNITION CARTRIDGE, 75MM, BLANK M337 SERIESAppendix AE. Rocket M55 GB Special Surveillance Instruction for Storage Monitoring Inspection ProceduresSample selectionSingle line sampling:Figure AE-1. M55 ROCKET MANIFOLDFigure AE-2. STAINLESS STEEL UNIONGLOSSARYGLOSSARY (cont)SB-742-1 Ammunition Surveillance Procedures Manual