TB 1-1520-238-20-66
(23) Check for continuity from pin 66 (common) on P682 to pins 115 (S1) and then 122 (S2)
on P688 (aft avionics bay). If continuity is present rotate the Mechanical Cam in the ether direction (opposite).
Recheck continuity (Pin 66 to 115 and then to 122).
(24) If continuity is not present refer to paragraph 8.c.(16) for corrective action.
Pilots Collective SPAD
Ensure that the Collective LVDT connector (J230/P230) is reconnected
after removing the Collective Cover prior to "power-on testing."
(25) Gain access to the Pilots Collective SPAD Assembly by reworking the Pilots Collective
Stick Cover, task 11.44. Also, remove access cover L160, reference task 2.3.
(26) Visually inspect the switches (S1 & S2) for security using a flashlight and inspection
mirror. Reference paragraphs 8.c.(7) and 8.c.(8) for inspection criteria.
(27) Check for continuity from pin 66 (common) on P682 to pins 127 (S1) and then 128 (S2)
on P688. Reference figure 2. If continuity is present rotate the Mechanical Cam in the other direction
(opposite). Recheck continuity (Pin 66 to 127 and then to 128).
(28) If continuity is not present refer to paragraph 8.c(16) for corrective action.
(29) Reconnect the DASE Computer connectors (P682, P686 & P688). Reset (close) the
BUCS circuit breaker in the Pilot's station (center C/B Panel).
Do not attempt to move the CPG'S controls with the Pilots SPAD shear
pins removed.
Movement of the CPG'S controls may break/shear the
SPAD shear pins in that station. Ensure no BUCS Locks (pins) are
installed. The CPG's station controls will move (powered) during the
following procedures.
(30) Verify that the aircraft is cleared for flight control movement. Apply primary hydraulic and
electrical power. Verify that the "BUCS ON"caution/warning light is "ON."
(31) Move the Pilot's Cyclic Stick in one control axis at a time (Lateral [side to side],
Longitudinal fore & aft]]. Visually confirm the movement of the Main Rotor Head (swashplate) in response to
the cyclic control inputs. Continue to verify individually, the control responses for the Collective and Directional
(pedal) controls. If the controls do not respond correctly, troubleshoot I/A/W reference e., apply corrective
action and retest.
(32) If the controls responded properly remove hydraulic and electrical power, proceed to
paragraph 8.c.(33). If a
fault was detected troubleshoot I/A/W reference e.
The Mechanical Cam contained In each SPAD must be repositioned to the
center or armed position (switch detent aligned with indicator); and held
momentarily to install the shear pin. Failure to re-set/arm the cam renders
the SPAD Inoperative.
Ensure that the "shear point" (notch) in the shear pin is properly located in each
SPAD Assembly (visible between the moveable arms).