tank, wear approved gloves. When handling in open container, wear approved gloves and goggles.
If contact with vapor is likely, wear an approved respirator. Dispose liquid soaked rags in an approved
metal container. Metal containers of liquid must be grounded to maintain electric continuity.
S Isopropyl alcohol is flammable: do not use near open flame, near welding area, or on hot surface. Do
not use while smoking or while others are smoking. Inhalation of vapors can cause drowsiness, dizzi-
ness, and headache. If liquid touches skin or eyes, flush thoroughly with water. Remove contaminated
clothing. If vapors cause drowsiness, go to fresh air. When handling large quantities (grater than one
gallon) work at air exhausted workbench or covered tank. Store solvent and liquid soaked clothes in
in an approved grounded metal container.
S Denatured ethyl alcohol and its vapors are flammable and explosive, do not use where others are smok-
ing. POISON, do not ingest. Ingestion will cause vomiting, stupor, and collapse. Inhalation of vapors
may cause headache and drowsiness. If vapors cause drowsiness, go to fresh air. Immediately remove
wet clothing. When working with denatured ethyl alcohol, wear approved respirator, gloves, and
goggles. If splash could occur, wear an approved face shield over goggles. in case of contact with eyes,
flush with water for at least 20 minutes and obtain medical attention. Dispose of liquid soaked rags in
approved metal container. Metal container must be grounded to maintain electrical continuity.
(2) Using wiping rag D53, (TM 55--1520--248--23--6) dampened with alphatic Naptha D59, denatured alcohol D150,
or isopropyl alcohol D7, (TM 55--1520--248--23--6); thoroughly clean area around forward fanshaft support bracket in-
serts on oil cooler panel and lower portion of forward fanshaft bearing support bracket.
(3) Using a flashlight and 10X magnification, inspect oil cooler panel area around forward fanshaft bearing support
bracket inserts for cracked skin.
(4) Inspect for interference between doublers under firewall and forward fanshaft bearing support bracket inserts.
(5) Using a flashlight and 10X magnification, inspect forward fanshaft bearing support bracket for cracks in areas
of mounting feet and bend radius.
(6) Install aft fiaring assembly in accordance with Task 2--1--28.1, TM 55--1520--248--23--1
(7) Ensure areas in steps (2) through (5) are thoroughly inspected during PPM inspections 6.1, 6.2, and 10.1 in ac-
cordance with TM 1--1520--248--PPM.
b. Inspection of oil cooler impeller fan.
(1) Remove aft fairing assembly in accordance with Task 2--1--28.1, TM 55--1520--248--23--1.
(2) Inspect impeller fan for build up of dirt, oil, sand, grease, etc.
(3) Any build up of foreign material on impeller fan is potential for a out of balance condition. Clean impeller in accor-
(4) Install aft fairing assembly in accordance with Task 2--1--28.1, TM 55--1520--248--23--1.
(5) A recurring inspection of oil cooler impeller fan shall be accomplished at every other 40 hour PPM inspection.
c. Establish a One Time Inspection of the oil cooler suppert installation P/N 406--030--117--125/129 in accordance with
TB 1--1520--248--20--47 not later than paragraph 2. Task/Inspection suspense date of
the TB. Report compliance with
TB 1--1520--248--20--47 in accordance with instructions provided in the TB.
9. Correction Procedures.
a. If oil cooler panel or forward fanshaft bearing support bracket are cracked, parts will require replacement. Contact
1 Quality Deficiency Report (QDR). Forward fanshaft bearing support bracket shal be replaced in accordance with Task
6--6--14.1, TM 55--1520--248--23--3.
b. If there is interference between doublers under firewall and forward bearing support bracket inserts, contact techni-
c. Clean oil cooler impeller as follows:
(1) Remove aft fairing assembly in accordance with Task 2--1--28.1, TM 55--1520--248--23--1.