TB 1--1520--248--20--48
a. Technical point of contact for this TB is Mr. Kevin Cahill, AMSAM--RD--AE--I--D--O, DSN 645--9544, or commercial
(256) 955--9544, datafax DSN 645--9536 or (256) 955--9536. E--Mail is "kevin.cahill@redstone.army.mil".
b. Logistical point of contact for this TB is SSG., Timothy Harden, AMSAM--DSA--ASH--L, DSN 645--7934 or commer-
cial (256) 955--7934, datafax DSN 645--7934 or commercial (266) 955--7934. E--Mail, "timothy.harden@redstone.ar-
c. Wholesale Materials point of contact (Spares) is Mr. John Jensen, AMSAM--MMC--VS--AO, DSN 897--1390 or
commmercial (256) 313--1390, datafax DSN 788--6758 or commecrial (256) 842--6758. E--Mail, "jensen--jo@reds-
d. Forms and records point of contact for this TB is Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAM--MMC--RE--FF, DSN 746--5564 or
commercial (256) 876--5564, daatfax DSN 746--4904 or comercial (256) 876--4904. E--Mail, "waldeck--ab@reds-
e. Safety Point of contact for this TB is Mr. Ron Price, AMSAM--SF--A, DSN 788--8636 or commercial (256) 842--8636.
datafax DSN 897--2111 or comercial (256) 313--2111. E--Mail "price--sf@redstone.army.mil".
f. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) recipients requiring clarification of action advised by this TB should contact CW5 Jo-
seph L. Wittstrom. Security Assistance Management, AMSAM--SA, DSN 897--0410 or commercial (256) 313--0410.
E--Mail "wittstrom--jl@redstone.army.mil" or Mr. Ronnie W. Sammons, AMSAM--SA--CS--NF, DSN 897--0408 or com-
mercial (256) 313--0408. datafax DSN 897--0411 or comercial (256) 313--0411. E--Mail "sammons--rw@redstone.ar-
my.mil. Redstone Arsenal, AL. is Greenwich Mean Time minus 6 hours.
g. After hours contact ATCOM Command Operations Center (COC) DSN 897--2066/7 or commercial (256)