SB 742-1
(5) VL VII
critical 4-5. Ammunition lot number and suffix assignment.
a. Ammunition to be modified, inspected 100-percent for a
(6) At the normal level of severity, use VL IV for major critical defect, or renovated will have a lot suffix assigned by
characteristics and VL II for minor characteristics if not the commodity command, or a lot number will be assigned
otherwise specified.
locally as outlined in MIL-STD-1168. Assignment of local lot
number must be approved by the commodity command.
Continuous sampling is the preferred method of
Suffixes or approval of local lot number will be requested from
performing acceptance sampling for inspection by attributes.
addressee in para. 1-5d(1) or 1-5d(2) for other Class V items.
Lot or batch sampling will be used if continuous sampling
Additional information can be found in MIL STD-1168.
procedures are not employed (for example, if the operations
b. Requests for lot suffix for SMCA managed assets should
be e-mailed to addressee in para. 1-5d(1). Organizations
Continuous sampling procedures are outlined in MIL STD
without e-mail capabilities may submit request by facsimile, or
In addition to sampling at frequency "f", the
by mail to addressee in para. 1-5d(1). Lot suffixes are to be
ammunition surveillance organization will monitor the
requested no earlier than 60 days and no later than 30 days
screening phases to ensure correct application of proper "i"
prior to the start of approved or funded programmed projects.
values and verification levels.
The ideal situation is for JMC/AMCOM to have 30 days from
Inspection by attributes MIL STD 1916. If for any receipt of request to furnish the suffix to the requestor.
reason the continuous sampling procedure noted above is not Unplanned or unscheduled maintenance operations such as
employed (for example, if the operations organization lacks those, which occur during PREPO, AFLOAT operations or other
adequate screening capability), the appropriate plan from MIL unanticipated emergencies, are exempt from this limitation.
STD 1916 will be used by the ammunition surveillance The information in the request must include:
(1) A list including lot number/serial number,
quantity, model number, and NSN of materiel to be reworked.
Each inspection batch or lot will contain homogeneous
(2) Scope of rework to be accomplished, applicable
material produced in a specified time interval (normally a
DMWR and resulting model number and NSN if changed as a
single shift or day).
result of maintenance.
Inspection by variables Variables sampling plans are
(3) List of replacement/added components involved by
provided in MIL STD 1916. Each inspection lot or batch will
contain homogeneous material produced in a specified time NSN, model, lot number, and manufacture date to include,
interval (normally a shift or day). K and F Values will be where applicable, component reassessment/ deterioration
check test date. Lot suffix will be denied if these tests are not
provided upon request.
Inspection for critical characteristics.
The operations
(4) Established start date and date of availability of
organization will perform a 100% inspection for all critical
characteristics. Surveillance will inspect for critical defects samples for shipment to proving ground (PG) for test.
using VL VII and will always accept on zero defects and reject
(5) Should an emergency situation arise (such as a
on one. The presence of a critical defect in any ammunition
change in scope of work, a component becomes unserviceable,
surveillance sample or in any other item which has passed
or a component is received at the last moment) then an
100-percent inspection by operation personnel will normally
expedited request for a lot suffix is in order.
require rejection of all material processed since the process
was last accepted regardless of which sampling plan is used.
(6) All correspondence on lot suffix requests from U.S.
The extent of rejection may be modified depending on the Army organizations in Korea, Japan, and Hawaii must provide
circumstances creating the critical defect. If the defect cause an information copy to addressee in Para 1-5d(3).
can be isolated to a particular quantity of material or
Examples of operations requiring lot suffixes are:
production interval then rejection may be limited to that
quantity of material or production interval as determined by
(7) Where new components replace like components
the QASAS in charge. Material that has been reprocessed and (i.e., same model number).
resubmitted for acceptance will be inspected IAW MIL STD
(8) When a component is removed or added.
Lots: Continuous sampling procedures will always be on
(9) Where munitions were declared unserviceable or
a moving product basis. Selection of samples for inspection by
suspended by the appropriate commodity command and
attributes may be on either a moving lot basis or on a
require 100 percent culling, testing, etc.
stationary lot basis. Inspection by variables will be on a
(10) Where a lot number is to be assigned locally,
stationary lot basis. Inspections requiring disassembly will be
such as in creation of a regrouped lot, the information required
performed on a moving lot basis as close as practical to the
in subparagraph b above will also be furnished to the
operations organization process on the part or parts being
applicable commodity command. Concurrence for assignment
of local lot number wil1 be obtained from the commodity
Maintenance type operations of short duration and limited command prior to initiating maintenance.
scope (5 days or less). These operations should be inspected
When a JMC-assigned lot suffix is not used, the office in
using continuous sampling or lot/batch sampling plans.
para 1-5d(1) must be
notified in
writing of
desire to
Regardless of the duration of a maintenance operation, a spot
check or roving inspection may never be used in place of a requested suffix. When an AMCOM assigned lot suffix is not
used, addressee in Para 1-5d(2) must be notified.
quality audit.
When a change in the scope of work or components to be
used is contemplated after a lot suffix has been assigned, the
applicable commodity command must be notified of the
proposed changes by an amendment to the request for the lot