SB 742-1
(7) Using the batch size calculated in 4-10b(3) above,
(3) If the same check point is found non-conforming a
determine the sample size from Table II, MIL STD 1916 with
third time, a CAR is completed referencing both prior non-
Verification Level IV.
This gives the number of major
conformances, (including CAR control numbers). This CAR is
characteristic check points that will be selected for the audit.
addressed to the installation commander with copies furnished
to the Director of Ammunition Operations, the Operation Team
(8) Multiply the number of inspection check points for
Leader and the QASAS in charge.
minor characteristics by number of rounds run since
g. After conducting audit:
completion of last audit. This yields minor characteristic batch
(1) Brief operation team leader on findings after each
(2) Distribute CARs.
(9) Using the batch size calculated in 4-10b(5) above,
determine the sample size from Table II, MIL STD 1916 with
(4) File audit checklists and CARs.
Verification Level II.
This gives the number of minor
h. Review CAR status log monthly for open CARs past
characteristic checkpoints that will be selected for the audit.
suspense date.
(10) Continuous sampling plans are provided in MIL
i. Send memo to operation team leader, Director of Ammo
STD 1916.
Ops and QASAS in charge if CAR response not received by
(11) Remember that maintenance workflow limits the
j. Schedule follow up inspection to review CAR
maximum number of samples that can be checked during an
compliance. Post follow up date on CAR, CAR status log and
audit. When workload is such that an audit cannot be
audit schedule.
performed for several days and sample size becomes too great
k. Conduct follow up audit. Close out CAR if corrective
to allow performance of an audit, all production will be
action is effectively implemented.
assigned CC-D or CC-J as determined by QASAS in charge.
l. If corrective action is not correctly implemented, issue
second CAR referencing the original CAR and failure to correct
(12) To minimize lot rework, it is necessary to identify
the non-conformance. Include the control number (CAR NO.)
batches of production.
Daily production runs are the
of the original CAR. This CAR is addressed to the Director of
recommended batch grouping.
Ammunition Operations with copies furnished to the Operation
(13) Reduced audit intervals may be applied IAW MIL
Team Leader and QASAS in charge.
STD 1916.
m. Follow up the new CAR's as outlined in paragraphs i
and j above.
4-11. Procedure B :
Operation Compliance and
n. If corrective action is still not effectively implemented, a
Product Acceptance
third CAR is completed referencing both prior CARs and
failures to correct the non-conformance (include CAR control
a. Operation compliance and product acceptance will be
This CAR is addressed to the installation
determined through performance of quality audits using audit
commander with copies furnished to the Director of
Ammunition Operations, the Operation Team Leader and the
b. If no deficiencies are noted, accept process and product
QASAS in charge.
produced since last inspection. Audit checkpoints will be
4-10. Procedure A: Audit
Checklist and
Sample Plan
divided between process and product at the auditor's
Preparation Procedure
discretion. i.e.: You may check the operators performance of
a. Audit Checklist Preparation:
the operation, check the item after he has finished his step, or
(1) Extract all check points from item SB's, SOP's,
TM's, MWO's and special inspection requirements directed by
c. If discrepancies are noted:
higher headquarters.
(2) List checkpoints on audit checklist and classify as
(2) Critical or major discrepancies - exercise rework
critical, major and minor defects.
option that was chosen during MWO preparation/review. (Two
(3) Randomly select checkpoints to monitor during
options exist, rework of rounds run since process was last
the audit. Each checkpoint is a sample. List the number of
accepted or implementation of 100% inspection by a line
times you monitor each checkpoint next to that check point on
operator deemed suitable by the audit team. These options will
the audit checklist. Continue to select and monitor check
be weighed on a case-by-case basis during each work order
points until your sample size is accomplished.
review. The selected option will be included in the work order
prior to job start.) If rounds are to be reworked, place
(4) Sign and date the audit checklist and list the
production run since process was last accepted in appropriate
sample size.
unserviceable condition code based on nature of defect and
requirements of SB 742-1.
b. Sample Plan Preparation (for inspection by lot or batch):
(3) Minor discrepancies - Tighten inspection for reject
(1) Multiply the number of inspection check points for
check point IAW MIL STD 1916. If no additional deficiencies
critical characteristics by number of rounds run since
are found, correct defective round and accept process and
completion of last audit. This yields critical characteristic
production. If additional deficiencies are found, reject process
batch size.
(5) Using the batch size calculated in 4-10b(1) above,
determine the sample size from Table II, MIL STD 1916 with
Verification Level VII.
This gives the number of critical
characteristic checkpoints that will be selected for the audit.
(6) Multiply the number of inspection check points for
(1) Determine type of MWO.
major characteristics by number of rounds run since
completion of last audit. This yields major characteristic batch
(2) Renovation MWO operations (Lot suffix, open box
and work on round, etc.) require audit checklist preparation
and audit. Renovation MWO review is a function of the audit