SB 742-1
Ammunition previously renovated or reworked
Obliteration, when required, must be consistent
and meeting the requirements of this bulletin will be throughout a lot (such as same color or paint, enamel, or
considered suitable for GRA or FMS.
lacquer; uniform coverage; and uniform lettering).
Ammunition that is renovated or reworked to fill
Obliterated impressed marking on metal
a GRA or FMS requirement must meet the requirements of this components due to changes in production or modification is
acceptable if covered by X punch or knurling. When X punch
or knurling is not feasible due to hardness of metal or
Ammunition requiring a post renovation test will possibility of component deformation, the ORD markings may
be tested prior to release for shipment.
be obliterated with black paint or lacquer. Obliteration will be
applied neatly. New markings will be applied by stamping or
(2) Marking defects.
stenciling as appropriate. Recipient will be advised that items
Marking defects that do not exceed the limits have been remarked to comply with the proper nomenclature
established by the inspection criteria of this supply bulletin are and that serviceability and reliability are not affected.
The following specifications are for the paint and
Address marking will be applied according to the stencil ink authorized for obliteration and remarking of
latest revision of MIL-STD-129, AR 725-50, and special materiel required for GRA and FMS--
instructions as may be furnished by the Security Assistance
MIL-P-52108(MR), water emulsion paint for
case manager.
stenciling and obliteration.
Lots of ammunition marked with an Ammunition
A-A-208A, Type I, opaque stencil marking
Identification Code (AIC) or Federal Stock Number (FSN) in
place of the National Stock Number (NSN) and Department of ink for nonporous surfaces.
Defense Identification Code (DODIC) are acceptable. The DD
A-A-208A, Type II, opaque stencil marking
Form 1348-1 (DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt ink for porous surfaces.
Document) and document accompanying the shipment must
A-A-208A, Type III, opaque stencil marking
either reflect the AIC, the FSN and DODIC, or the correct NSN
and DODIC. If the ammunition requires reworking, the correct ink for both porous and nonporous surfaces (applied by a
pressurized container).
NSN-DODIC will be applied according to applicable drawings.
A-A-208A, Type IV, opaque stencil marking
Weapon model designation on boxes need not be
corrected to comply with drawing requirements unless ink for both porous and nonporous surfaces (applied by a
containers required reworking at which time weapon stencil roller).
designation will be applied according to applicable drawings.
Marking obliteration should be done according to
Changing the nomenclature from "shell" to the current MIL-STD-129. Repainting should be done with
"cartridge on the round, container, or box is not required sand color paint for natural color wood boxes and remarked in
unless the round, container, or box requires reworking. Items black. For dark wood or weathered boxes use olive drab (OD)
containing both nomenclatures within a lot (such as cartridges paint with yellow markings.
on boxes and fiber containers, and shell on round) are
All items selected for shipment to GRA or FMS
recipients will have "U.S. Army" markings deleted.
Light boxes (less than a standard pack) will be
(3) When loss of paint coverage is excessive, complete
marked drawing 8796522.
repainting will be required. Metal containers, metal boxes, or
When obliteration is done during processing metal crates that have minor scratches and small unpainted
through maintenance, packing or renovation facilities, the areas which would present an unsightly appearance if
entire side, top, or end will be completely painted with retouched, may be shipped without repainting. Where packing
sufficient coverage to effectively prevent "bleeding through" of supports in containers cause loss of paint coverage, repainting
previously applied markings.
is not required (unless rust or corrosion is present).
The color of the obliterating paint, or lacquer
used will match as closely as possible the color of the boxes or
containers. Care will be exercised when obliterating and
remarking cleats of boxes to ensure that the color of the paint,
size of lettering, and position of stenciling will clearly identify
the contents and not cause misinterpretation of applicable
color markings for practice, smoke, or chemical ammunition.
Remarking will be according to the packing and
marking drawing for the item concerned.
When impressed marking is obliterated, the new
marking will be stenciled on the opposite side of the box.
Destination marking will be stenciled on the obliterated
impressed marking side of the box. Boxes previously stenciled
over the obliterated impressed marking are acceptable if the
stenciling is legible and the obliteration was accomplished over
the entire panel of the box.