SB 742-1
For materiel furnished the U.S. Air Force, send one copy of
11-4. Distribution
of DSR and Ammunition Data
ammunition data card and DSR card to addressee in para 1-
Cards (ADC) to Army activities.
DSRs and ADCs are critically important supply documents
For NAVSEA, NAVAIR, and USMC shipments, forward the
for all activities, both CONUS and OCONUS, which issue
ADC and DSR card to the consignee and one copy of each to
ammunition directly to users. Lack of DSR and ADC may
the addressee in para 1-5d(15).
delay ammunition issues and burden these activities with the
requirement to perform unnecessary inspections. Shipping
Data cards for specific lots need to be sent only once to
installations are reminded that they must make every effort to
each service central repository. Subsequent shipments of the
ensure DSR/ADC are forwarded to the installation receiving
same lot do not require report submissions of the same data
Class V materiel. The preferred methods for transmission of
card to the same repository.
DSR/ADC are by fax, email, or email attachment. Forwarding
these documents by mail or with the shipments should only be
DSR card will not be provided to foreign military sales or
done when the receiving installation does not have fax or email
security assistance customers. ADC will only be provided to
capability. The receiving installation may obtain missing ADCs
these customers on a case-by-case basis as directed by the
from the Worldwide Ammunition Report Program (WARP) or
NICP. Refer to para 12-6c and 12-6d for further information.
the Ammunition Surveillance Information System (ASIS).
11-6. Reporting of offshore-procured ammunition.
ADCs are available on the Internet at the address in para 1-
5d(22)(h) or 1-5d(22)(k). Installations should utilize their
There is ammunition in or entering the U.S. Army
electronic capabilities to the maximum.
Inventory that was manufactured in foreign countries. This
Ammunition Data Cards for AMCOM managed items and ammunition is commonly called "off-shore procured
for all shipments to OCONUS destinations will also be ammunition" and may or may not have restrictions on its use
forwarded to the appropriate central repository listed in para 1- by U.S. Forces.
5d(13). Data Cards for a lot need to be sent only once to each
If during inspection it is determined that the ammunition
central repository. Subsequent shipments of the same lot do
is off-shore procured and there is a question as to the
not require additional mailings of the same data cards to the
authorization for issue and use by U.S. Forces, the lot must be
same repository.
reported to the appropriate commodity command, regardless of
Ammunition data cards for SMCA managed materiel can quantity. Data reported will include nomenclature, NSN, lot
be retrieved electronically utilizing ASIS, WARP or the internet number, pack, manufacturer markings, and details. Data will
address listed at paragraph 1-5d(22)(k). If ADC is not available be sent as appropriate to the addressees in para 1-5d(1) and
electronically, the consignee will contact the shipping (2). Ammunition for which there is no question as to the
authority for existence in the stockpile for use by U.S. Forces
organization and request hard copy of ADC.
will have the appropriate condition code assigned based on
11-5. Distribution of DSR and ammunition data inspection and test conducted according to this publication.
cards to other than Army activities.
Lots that are questionable will be assigned a non-issuable
condition code pending receipt of instructions from the
For all U.S. Navy and Marine Corps shipments, one copy
of the ADC and DSR card for each lot or serial numbered item commodity command.
of ammunition will be forwarded to the consignee utilizing DA
Form 200. Distribution for U.S. Air Force shipments will be
according to TO 11-A-1-10, which specifies that surveillance
records will be both mailed and sent with the ammunition
shipment. Additional distribution will be made as follows: