SB 742-1
i. Thermal Stability / Instability. Propellants can
(2) Visual inspection will include all external surfaces
of each increment, including surfaces where individual
Nitrocellulose-based propellants naturally decompose over
increments abut one another. The APE 1991 should be used to
time, with an attendant generation of heat. The heat generated
test the tensile strength of 155mm propelling charges.
can increase the rate of decomposition, which in turn
Condition of bags, stitching, wrappings, etc., will be noted.
increases the rate of heat generation. As the rate of heat
Details of visual inspection and classification of defects are
generation accelerates, the system may reach a point where
combustion will occur. A system is said to be thermally stable
conditions possible should be selected to perform visual
if the heat generated by propellant decomposition can be
inspections and, if applicable, preparation of samples for test
removed from the system at least as rapidly as it is generated.
and/or shipment. If the inspections must be performed during
periods of high humidity, exposure time of the charges should
13-4. Safety. All personnel using the procedures in
this be
kept to a minimum.
chapter will observe safety precautions cited in Department of
(3) M67 Propelling charges for 105mm cartridges may
Army and Army Materiel Command regulations, and in DA
be manufactured with or without lead foil assembled to
Pam 385-64, as applicable.
increment number 5. If visual inspection reveals the absence of
13-5. Personnel. Sample selection and
visual inspection of
lead foil, the ADC
will be
reviewed to
verify lead carbonate as a
propellants and propelling charges, air testing of containers, component. Lead carbonate, an acceptable substitute for lead
and field stability testing will be conducted by, or under the foil, is an integral part of the propellant grain and its presence
technical supervision of QASAS careerists. At those cannot be determined by visual inspection. Component
installations without an assigned QASAS, the responsible propellant lots (charges 3 through 7) beginning with lot
QASAS should designate, in writing, a trained individual RAD84C-070356 and all subsequent lots contain lead
authorized to perform these functions. Questions and concerns carbonate.
will be brought to the attention of the responsible QASAS for
(4) The 105mm HERA cartridge (DODAC 1315-C546)
has a propelling charge bag which fits very tightly in the
13-6. Surveillance. Surveillance of
propellant falls into two cartridge case. Since removing the bag for periodic inspection
categories: Visual inspections performed at storage and could cause tearing of the bag and subsequent propellant
production activities, and tests, which are conducted as part of spillage, the defect criteria listed in Table 13-1 will not be
the Stockpile Laboratory Test Program. Surveillance applied to this round.
determination of serviceability will be based on visual
inspection, air testing of propelling charge containers and tests
for stabilizer levels and thermal stability. For bulk-stored 1320-D541 RETURNED FROM SWA.
propellant, the currency of the loading authorization, as
(a) A Periodic Inspection will be performed on
reflected in Appendix I, TB 9-1300-385, will also be considered.
155MM propelling charges retrograded from SWA (lots with "y"
13-7. Visual Inspection and Air Test. Sample size and
identifier) prior to
issue. If a PI
has been performed within the
last 90 days, the QASAS in charge can exempt lots from this
frequency will be in accordance with SB 742-1, chapter 2.
a. Bulk Propellant. Inspection will generally be limited to
(b) Lots retrograded from SWA are not to be
inner and outer packaging, although any unusual conditions
noted concerning the physical state or odor of the propellant cleared for shipment to basic load, PREPO, AFLOAT, or
will be reported. If condition of packing, such as obvious prepositioned war reserve. Assign priority of issue and/or lot
structural damage or water damage, requires opening the selection code "0" to expedite the usage of serviceable stocks in
container to determine extent of damage, the condition of the training.
propellant and any other unusual conditions will be noted in
(c) Test of tensile strength will include cloth on
writing. Acceptance and rejection criteria will be in accordance
all bags and especially the ends of the bags. Test IAW
b. Separate Loading and Component Charges.
assemble bag is not deteriorated to a point that it would fail
during normal handling.
(1) Containers for separate loading charges selected
c. Classification of Defects. Table 13-1 lists defects for
for visual inspection will be air tested prior to opening and
after closing. Perform air test in accordance with operational separate loading and component charges that supplement
manual for APE 1052, Air Test Kit. If the samples test surveillance defect standards in chapter 2.
satisfactorily before opening, all containers in the lot are
considered to be satisfactory. Containers which leak only after
closing shall not be considered defective for lot evaluation, but
shall be repaired or replaced before returning to storage.
Damaged gaskets on sample containers will be replaced.