SB 742-1
will be applied to the top of each pallet and
DODIC applied to each projectile prior to
Ammunition identification
codes (AIC) or other outdated markings ......... D-1
The application of NSN/DODIC on two lines is permitted
Ammunition manufactured for special
when required by space limitations.
purposes....................................................... D-2
Ammunition, 40-mm ..................................... D-3
Ammunition data cards, DSRs and accountable records
Black Banding .............................................. D-4
will be marked with both NSN/DODIC and AIC.
Blasting Caps, Electric .................................. D-5
Bombs, Inspection for Helicoil Inserts............ D-6
c. For information pertaining to the correct
Bursters, tetrytol........................................... D-7
NSN/DODIC for a lot marked only with an AIC, contact
Cartridge actuated devices (CAD)
and propellant actuated devices (PAD) ........... D-8
d. Incorrect DOT shipping names will normally be
Cartridge, 90-mm, HEAT,
corrected on accessible exterior packages prior to
M371A1 (1315-C282) .................................... D-9
shipment. When it can be determined by the shipper that
Cartridges, 152-mm ...................................... D-10
the marking was correct at some previous time, the
Charges, supplementary................................ D-11
materiel need not be remarked. Shipping documents will
Components, explosive .................................. D-12
be annotated with the correct DOT shipping name.
Conventional ammunition in
demil account ............................................... D-13
e. Weapon model designations on boxes and
Dynamite ...................................................... D-14
containers need not be corrected to comply with current
HERA Projectile defect classification (ICM) ..... D-15
Items belonging to other services .................. D-16
f. Items containing dual nomenclature markings
Items which have not been Hazard
within a lot (e.g., "cartridge" on boxes and fiber containers
classified....................................................... D-17
and "shell" on the round) are acceptable.
Marker, Location, Marine,
MK 25 (1370-L554) ....................................... D-18
g. Current markings will be applied whenever items or
Mine, AP, M18-series .................................... D-19
packaging are marked for other reasons.
Mine, AT, HE, M15 ........................................ D-20
Mine, AT Heavy M19 Non-Metallic ................. D-21
D-2. Ammunition manufactured for special purposes.
Permanent suspension of material
a. Certain lots of conventional ammunition were
in SMCA managed accounts ......................... D-22
manufactured for special purposes: i.e., proving ground
Projectile Receipt Inspection .......................... D-23
tests, engineering tests, etc., these lots were formerly
Projectile 155MM, illuminating,
identified by use of "PG", "SR", "SP", "A", "E", "P" lot interfix
M485 .. ......................................................... D-24
and/or word "PILOT" in the lot number. Special purpose
Projectile, 155MM, M825 Series
ammunition of recent manufacture with the 13-digit lot
Defect Classification...................................... D-25
number, as directed by MIL-STD-1168, is identified by the
Projectile, 8-inch, M404 ............................... D-26
letters "S", "E", "A", or "P" in position number 10 (position
Rocket, 66MM, Incendiary, M74 .................... D-27
8 for propellant lots).
NSNs for Electrostatic Packing Material
b. Ammunition manufactured for special purposes
generally is not intended for actual firing as service or
D-1. Ammunition Identification Codes (AIC) or
other training ammunition. Such issues must be
outdated markings.
authorized by JMC.
c. Non-functioning ammunition items (dummy, inert,
NSN and DODIC (and otherwise acceptable) will be
drill, etc.) do not require any special authorization for
considered suitable for issue for training or interdepot
troop issue. Generally, identification of this materiel as a
shipment without remarking of the outer pack or
special lot implies manufacture using standard service
palletized load. Annotation of the NSN and DODIC is
round technical data package with "special lot" identifying
required only on the shipping documents, ammunition
the inert nature of the material.
data cards, and depot surveillance record cards.
d. To prevent issue of special purpose ammunition or
b. Ammunition lots marked with the AIC in lieu of the components for unauthorized use by using units, the
NSN and DODIC and being shipped for potential inclusion following will be accomplished:
in unit basic load or prepositioned war reserve stocks will
be treated as follows:
Unpalletized boxes and containers. The NSN/DODIC will
be applied to the side of each exterior package
prior to unitization for shipment.
Palletized units. Properly palletized units will have the
NSN/DODIC applied to the side or top of
accessible boxes and containers prior to