SB 742-1
a. Inspect the electric blasting cap assembly M4 using
Excess brittleness is to be checked during inspections by
removing and then reassembling obturators to test procedures in TM 9-1345-203-12&P, paragraph 2-3,
projectiles. Procedure for this operation is and the following:
Unpack the electric blasting cap assembly M4 and
operations 8 and 11.
inspect to insure that shorting plug/dust cover
on M4 electric blasting cap assembly is present
Obturators, which break or exhibit obvious cracks or
and properly closed.
splits are to be considered critical defects. This
damage is to be distinguished from incidental
surface cracks or scratches that do not affect Unroll the electric firing wire and visually inspect for
defects such as cracks or peeling of the
obturator functioning.
D-16. Items belonging to
other services.
Test with the M40 test set according to TM 9-1345-203-
Most conventional ammunition items belonging to other
Reroll the firing wire on the spool.
services and stored at CONUS installations by the Army
will be inspected and tested in accordance with DOD
Assurance Policies and Procedures.
a. Ammunition Surveillance Division, Rock Island is
the focal point for QA matters concerning SMCA field
service stocks.
b. Munitions stored for other government agencies
deterioration to the insulation material that
not covered by SMCA or private contractors are subject (as
results in a bare wire exposure liable to cause
a minimum) to a receipt inspection and safety-in-storage
failure are classified as major defects (see para
c. Additional inspection procedures and their
frequencies will be specific in the appropriate support
agreement or memorandum with the owner.
Plastic cases on mine, APERS, M18A1 (1345-K143 and
includes, but is not necessarily limited to, foreign,
K145) manufactured before 12/89 may become
experimental, and test ammunition.
soft and sticky, causing difficulty extracting the
mine from the cloth bandoleer (minor defect).
D-17. Items That Have Not Been Hazard Classified.
a. Items, that have not received a hazard
of the plastic case does not affect functioning.
classification IAW TB 700-2, must be considered Hazard
Chemical reaction between explosive and
Class/Division 1.1 Compatibility Group L for storage.
polystyrene component of the plastic causes the
b. These items cannot be cleared for shipment except
Mines with exposed explosives should be transferred to
characteristics can be shipped by military air from one
condition code Hotel and disposed of in
military airfield to another military airfield. These items
accordance with DA PAM 738-750.
can be moved about on a military installation except as
Transfer wholesale stocks with deteriorated plastic case
(w/o exposed explosive) to condition code "F" and
c. Item hazard classification must be requested from
do not ship to retail installations until renovated
Director, U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety
IAW DMWR 9-1345-0000-F21. Use retail stocks
(USATCES) IAW the procedures of TB 700-2.
with deterioration of plastic cases (w/o exposed
explosives) for all purposes and retain in basic
d. The primary source for determination of item
load. Cut mine from bandoleers if use is required
hazard classification data is the Joint Hazard
due to operational necessity and if attempt to
Classification System available on the World Wide Web
extract the mine will not expose explosive. Limit
reference para 1-5d(22)(l).
cut to minimum required to extract mine from
D-18. Marker, Location Marine, MK25
a. The Air Force Technical Order covering this item
(T.O. 11A-1-60) contains a warning to inspectors that any
a. Inspection of the M603 fuze packed with this mine
residual red phosphorous in an expended or partially
is necessary to ensure that a detonator is present.
expended L554 item is subject to spontaneous re-ignition
Absence of this detonator could indicate that the inert fuze
upon exposure to air.
These expended or partially
used with the practice mine M7A2 had been inadvertently
expended Mk 25 Marine Location Markers are considered
assembled to the M15. Inspection for presence of the
an environmentally hazardous material.
detonator is accomplished as follows:
b. Inspectors are reminded to include this item and
Assure that safety clip is in place between pressure plate
warning in local standing operating procedures (SOP's)
and body of fuze.
dealing with inspections of residue, to ensure complete
compliance with paragraph 2-4B(4)c of this SB.
Turn the fuze over and assure that varnished or painted
lining compound on end of detonator shows in
D-19. Mine, antipersonnel, M18
bottom of fuze.