SB 742-1
b. CADs or PADs service limits. These time limits are
Date CAD/PAD installed.
designated as shelf life and installed life (service). Shelf
life and installed life will not be combined. The usable life
Date CAD/PAD removed.
of a CAD or PAD is expired if either of these limits are
Expired and expended items removed from mission
exceeded. Expired CADs or PADs must not be used
configuration by using units will be returned to
without specific approval of the designated technical
the supporting ASP/storage facility.
command. Service limits are based on design verification
tests and surveillance evaluation by stockpile/service
The appropriate accountability, management controls,
and documentation will be established or
maintained for new item issues and to assure
9-1300-385, is mandatory.
unit turn-in of all downloaded items.
c. Computation of shelf life and installed life. CAD or
If the original packages are not available, packages for
PAD lives are based on shelf life or installation life,
replacement items will be used for repack and
whichever date occurs first is the CAD or PAD service limit
turn-in of unserviceable CAD or PAD.
expiration date. To compute shelf life or installation life,
If an item is selected/required for the CAD Surveillance
use the criteria below:
test program, ship the item(s) to: addressee in
Shelf life. The date of manufacture (DOM) plus the
should be marked: "Army CAD/PAD Surveillance
expiration date. The DOM is denoted within the
Program, Notify CODE 5240A at 301-744-2325."
CAD or PAD lot number imprinted on the item or
e. Condition code classification. CAD or PAD lots will
on a tag attached to the item. The year of
be classified according to the provisions of AR 725-50
manufacture is denoted as a two-digit number
(spaces 4 and 5) immediately following the
manufacturer's designation (spaces 1 through 3).
The month of manufacture is denoted by an
f. Army stockpile test program for CADs or PADs in
ALPHA character (space 6) immediately following
storage. JMC will furnish a nomination memorandum to
the year designation ("A" represents January, "B"
each storage location from which test samples are desired.
represents February, and so on. The letter "I" is
The sample size required for test will be furnished with the
not used).
request for samples. Only the specific quantity requested
Installed life. Installed life begins when the CAD or PAD for each lot will be shipped.
air-tight container is opened, regardless of the
This date plus the Army-published Each candidate lot from which samples have been
selected for testing will be retained in the
installed life limit equals the installed life
appropriate CC as determined by the local
expiration date. The installed life expiration date
surveillance organization (QASAS). Candidate lot
will never exceed the shelf life expiration date.
test samples at the installation will be placed in
CC-D and obligated for shipment.
All Army units (installation, ASP, user) will comply with
supplements thereto. Additional data can be The MRO for shipment of test samples to NSWC, IH, will
be issued by Hqs, Rock Island.
43-0001-39-Series publications. If a conflict on One end or side of the shipping container will be painted
service limits is encountered, TB 9-1300-385
white. Shipping documents and containers will
takes precedence. Questions on shelf or service
life or requests for installed (service) life
Random sampling for selection of samples will be used
Surveillance Division, Hqs. Rock Island.
where possible.
d. Shelf life and installed life expiration. All Army
g. Inspection requirements.
The owning service
CAD/PAD lots with an expired shelf or installed life will be
reclassified to CC-H; exceptions to CC-H reclassification establishes appropriate inspection, quality assurance
can be found in Appendix H to TB 9-1300-385. Requests standards, and serviceability requirements.
for disposition for expired CADs/PADs will be made to the appropriate requirements in Chapter 2 apply in addition
JMC using the CAD Disposition Worksheet available at to the specific inspection/technical provisions of TM 9-
the website listed in para 1-5d(22)(c). Surveillance testing 1377-200-20 and TM 43-0001-39. Inspection of CAD/PAD
is performed on expired CADs/PADs to verify reliability packing will be IAW applicable Special Packaging
and determine if shelf/installed life limits can be Instructions (SPI) used at time of manufacture. SPIs are
extended. Failure to provide required information on the available on the Surveillance website referenced in para 1-
worksheet might cause needed samples to be eliminated 5d(22)(f).
from test program thus jeopardizing Army test plans.
Hermetically sealed containers will not be opened unless
Dollar limitation and disposal provisions of DA PAM 738-
packaging shows evidence of moisture or damage
750 do not apply for this material.
to the extent that contents may be unusable.
Tear-strip and paint can type containers with
Army service return of downloaded CADs or PADs will be
RTV sealed lids are considered hermetically
tagged using DD Form 1577. Annotate remarks
sealed containers.
block with the following information:
Aircraft model and tail number.