SB 742-1
(1) Inspection personnel will wear Nitrile latex free
gloves at all times when handling dynamites. Cotton or leather
gloves may be worn over the Nitrile gloves if heavy work is
being performed. The disposal of the cotton/leather gloves is
IAW requirements of the installation safety/environmental
a. FSC: 1375.
(2) Inspectors will wear a half-face or full-face
respirator with organic vapor cartridges if operations are
c. Canine Explosive Scent Kit is designed to provide
performed in poorly ventilated areas. If large amounts of dust
realistic training for sentry dogs and increase their proficiency
are present during repackaging or inspection operations,
to search and detect various amounts of explosive materials
organic vapor/p100 combination cartridges should be used. All
used by terrorists and subversives. Kit consists of eight
operators who wear respirators must be fit-tested, receive
numbered M19A1 ammunition cans overpacked in a wooden
respiratory protection training IAW OSHA's respiratory
box. Seven cans contain an identified explosive material. One
protection standard, 29 CFR 1910.134 and be medically
container is empty to allow for addition of another type of
certified for use of a respirator.
explosive material that may be required in future.
b. Exuding dynamite is highly sensitive and shall be
d. Explosive material contained in kit--
handled carefully to prevent accidental initiation.
(1) Container 1: Explosive, Water Gel, quantity - 6 contact of exudate with bare skin. Respiratory protection from
each 0.5 lb lengths, NSN 1375-01-180-5779-MY77.
vapors is required in non-ventilated areas.
(2) Container 2:
Propellant powder (Smokeless
c. Packaged charges dropped in excess of six feet, or an
Powder) (IMR), quantity - 2 each 1 lb containers, NSN unpacked demolition charge dropped in excess of three feet
shall be considered unserviceable, turned in, and reported in
accordance with local procedures.
(3) Container 3: No explosives.
d. Commercial dynamite that has deteriorated from age or
(4) Container 4: Charge, Demolition Block M112,
quantity - 3 each 1.25 lb blocks, NSN 1375-00-724-7040- other causes can be identified by liquid exudate, or soft,
mushy feel to the to the sticks. Commercial dynamite exposed
to humidity or relatively high temperatures deteriorates at an
(5) Container 5: Charge, Demolition Block 0.5 lb. accelerated rate. Engineering evaluation determined that the
TNT, quantity - 6 each .0.5 lb blocks, NSN 1375-00-926-9316- presence of oily stains on the sticks or wrapping paper does
not present a significant explosive hazard. Liquid exudate,
largely a function of exposure to humidity, does present a
(6) Container 6: Cord, Detonating, quantity - 6 each potential explosive hazard. Liquid exudate consists of a
5 ft. lengths, NSN 1375-00-180-9356-M456.
measurable substance (actual drops or pooling). Exuding
(7) Container 7: Dynamite, Exgel 75, quantity - 6 dynamite is highly sensitive and shall be handled carefully to
prevent accidental initiation. Such dynamite should not be
each 0.5 lb. sticks, NSN 1375-01-441-2961-MN32.
(8) Container 8: Dynamite, Nitroglycerin, 60 Percent,
e. Ammonium nitrate, in presence of some organic
quantity - 6 each 0.5 lb. sticks, NSN 1375-01-436-6399-MN30
materials, becomes more sensitive and subject to auto ignition.
(9) The above listed contents may be stored in M19A1 Ammonium nitrate dynamite with exposed explosives should
cans NSN 8140-00-828-2938. The M19A1 cans will fit into be handled with caution.
W-3. Testing and equipment requirements.
e. Shelf-life requirements.
None identified at this time.
(1) NSN 1375-01-494-9223 MN85 Dynamite, Exgel 75
W-4. Inspection category and sampling plan.
- 18 months.
a. Canine Explosive Scent Kit, in depot storage, is
(2) NSN 1375-00-096-3095 M587 Dynamite, Exgel 40
assigned no inspection category: Periodic inspection interval -
- 18 months.
one (1) year. Sample size will be 20, or entire lot if total
(3) NSN 1375-01-180-5779-MY77, Explosive, water quantity is less than 20. Accept/reject criteria will be in
gel, - 1 year when not associated with a kit. When water gel accordance with Table 2-2 for depot stored stocks.
ages it becomes less sensitive, but does not lose the
b. Annual periodic inspections will be scheduled to follow
characteristics necessary for inclusion in the canine explosive
hottest portion of year. To the maximum extent possible, the
scent kit. It will be retained in the kit, unless it becomes
material in the kit should have only limited exposure to
otherwise unserviceable.
prolonged high temperatures and humidity (even moderately
W-2. Unique safety precautions.
high temperatures of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit have
brought the onset of staining and liquid exudation of
a. Extreme care is necessary when handling commercial
commercial dynamite).
dynamite due to greater sensitivity to heat and shock than
other commonly used explosives. Avoid contact of exudate
c. Annual basic load inspection will be performed on kits
with bare skin. Respiratory protection from vapors is required in the hands of using units in accordance with chapter 8.
in non-ventilated areas. Handling of Nitroglycerin-based Inspection will be performed by a QASAS. Defects will be
explosives may cause severe headaches. Personnel handling identified and classified in accordance with table W-1. Kits
commercial dynamite will wear appropriate personnel containing commercial dynamite will be inspected at the
protective equipment (PPE). Contact you installation industrial conclusion of the hottest portion of the year. A representative
health/hygiene office for assistance.