SB 742-1
q. Inspection for knurled nut tolerance:
(1) Care must be taken to obtain accurate data
V-6. Inspection description and notes.
(2) Conduct
a. Stencil (or decal) reads: "WARNING-ASSURE THAT
FUZE IS NOT ARMED AND COTTER (SHEAR) PIN IS IN PLACE measurements and assess the overall condition as follows:
(a) Before proceeding with the L and D
measurements, first, measure the torque (inch pounds) on
b. The M58 shipping and storage container must be the screw, which is a component on the hose clamp that is
evaluated for the following:
attached to the fuze connector rear half. Record the torque.
(1) Damage that impairs structural integrity of Determine the defect classification from the following formula:
Acceptable between 35 and 50; Minor less than 31
or between 54 and 58; Incidental between 31 and 35
(2) Damage that would preclude loading of container
or between 50 and 54; major greater than 58.
onto MK55 launcher.
(3) Damage to electrical connector jacks to include
missing protective caps.
A Major defect exists if the inspector can pull the
c. Apply two 1-1/4 inch steel straps around container.
sock off the fuze connector when the torque < 31
Straps will be located 6 inches toward center from each skid.
Corner protectors will be placed under strapping to prevent
(b) Remove the hose clamp from the fuze
d. Packing material or items that are wet should be connector rear half and slide the protective nylon encasement
disposed of according to established procedures. Packing sleeve away from the fuze connector so that the arming wire is
material of items that are damp should be allowed to dry visible.
thoroughly prior to repacking and storage.
(c) Measure Length (L) in inches as shown in
figure V-2 from the central axis of
the Fillister head screw to
e. Barrier bags will be evacuated, and sealed or taped
Point B on the arresting cable. Record this measurement.
(d) Measure Distance (D) from the front face of
f. Shorting loop is visible at the fuze holder end of
the knurled nut to the front face of the fuze connector as
arresting cable.
g. Electric fuze M1134 Series for M58 Series Linear
(1) Grasp the fuze connector end of the
Charge and M1147 Series for M68 Series Linear Charge.
arresting cable and hold it vertically as shown in figure V-3.
h. Faking is a method of coiling a rope or line to allow free Next, gently grasp the rope between Points B and C. Finally,
The method of faking is described in drawing utilizing another person, gently grasp the knurled nut.
8845322. The bottom layer of charge will have 11 rows. Each
(2) Ensure that the rope is straight (see
successive layer will have 12 rows, except top layer.
figure V-3) by
applying only a
SLIGHT amount of
tension to
i. For the M68, any damage that cuts rope core is a cause rope. Do NOT apply an excessive amount of tension; this will
lengthen the rope and ruin the measurement
for rejection.
(3) Ensure that the fuze connector is
j. Stencil reads: "WARNING - BOTH SHEAR PIN AND
straight (see figure V-3) with respect to the rope (i.e. the fuze
connector is NOT cocked at an angle).
A cocked fuze
k. A window in the cylinder side of the fuze allows display connector will also ruin the measurement.
of the SAFE/ARM status (green for safe, red for armed) of the
(4) Ensure that the arming wire is straight
fuze. If the fuze is armed, do not attempt to disarm the fuze.
Pack armed fuze in an available cardboard or wooden box (see figure V-3) by applying only a SLIGHT amount of tension
marked "ARMED FUZE". Request ASP or EOD assistance in to the wire. Do NOT apply an excessive amount of tension;
disposal, or initiate immediate demilitarization action (if this will deform the rope and ruin the measurement.
qualified personnel are available). Keep armed fuze isolated ensure that the ball end of the arming wire is firmly seated in
from other explosives, preferably with detonators against a the bottom of the knurled nut as shown in figure V-4.
sand bag, or other barrier, in a sturdy box (used ammunition
(5) Ensure that the front face of the
box). Corners of fuze carton will be blunted to preclude
knurled nut is parallel with the front face of the fuze connector
damage to charge.
as shown in figure V-5 (i.e. the knurled nut is NOT cocked at
an angle).
l. Replace dust cap.
(6) To the nearest 0.05 inch, measure
m. Proper orientation of cable guide in rocket motor cable
Distance "D" from the front face of the knurled nut to the front
receptacle (bottom receptacle) is the 12 o'clock position.
Distance "D" is
n. Proper orientation of detent in rocket motor electrical POSITIVE when the front face of the knurled nut is above the
receptacle is the 12 o'clock position.
o. Electrical leads under the nylon sock must be taped the front face of the knurled nut is below the front face of the
using a paper type tape like masking tape.
face of the knurled nut is below the front face of the fuze
p. Gaging of PETN endcaps should be done using non- connector, make certain that the tip of the depth gage contacts
sparking straight edge.
only the front face of the knurled nut as shown in figure V-6.