SB 742-1
(e) If during visual inspection the leaking item
(5) Once leaker isolation and overpacking have been
cannot be located, individual stacks, pallets, or items will be accomplished, overpacked leakers must remain in the storage
shrouded for additional localized monitoring.
structure until air monitoring indicates that agent containment
and cleanup operations have been effective. Additionally, the
(f) Shrouding consists of covering individual overpacked item will be shrouded and monitored to confirm no
stacks, pallets, or items with any type of plastic sheeting (as an contamination is on the exterior of the container before the
alternative, individual items, in lieu of using plastic sheeting, item can be moved/transferred to an appropriate storage
may be temporarily encapsulated in a locally approved location.
container) in order to create a separate environment and
concentrate agent for monitoring purposes. Proper shrouding
g. Magazine filtration and monitoring. Selected storage
is accomplished using plastic sheeting free of rips and tears. magazines may be equipped with fixed or mobile power
Suspect stacks or pallets should be completely enclosed from filtration units, or passive filter systems. This equipment is
top to the floor. It is not necessary for the enclosure to be intended to mitigate potential agent releases to the exterior of
taped or otherwise sealed to the floor. Shrouding individual the storage structure and/or reduce agent concentrations
items or containers may involve completely enclosing the within
suspect item or probable source of leakage. Projectile sample repair/containerization operations.
ports, lifting plugs or nose closures may be removed on the last
h. The interior of all magazines will be monitored to verify
pallet isolated provided they are removed, monitored and
the effectiveness of operations intended to eliminate an agent
replaced one at a time.
source, including magazines equipped with filtration systems.
1 Shrouding will be completed with minimal However, powered filtration may mask a continuous agent
source making it difficult to verify the effectiveness of leaker
isolation, leaker packaging, bulk agent container repair, or
2 Individual shrouded stacks, pallets, or general area decontamination. Prior to monitoring the interior
items will be monitored using low-level monitoring procedures of magazines equipped with powered filtration units, vents will
in order to isolate specific stacks, pallets, or munition with be closed and powered filtration units will be shut down for a
elevated readings.
period of not less than twenty minutes. Sample point(s) within
3 Shrouded stacks, pallets, or items with the storage structure should be determined based on the
elevated reading will be visually inspected and monitored in location of the original agent source and/or operations to
eliminate the source.
order to further isolate the leaker(s).
4 If operators elect to use a container to
concentrate agent vapor, items that are not confirmed as
A vent with a powered filtration unit
leakers must be removed from containers after isolation is
attached is considered closed when
the powered filtration unit is turned
(g) For
off as long as the hoses connecting
monitoring of the shipping and firing container may be
the filter to the magazine are
required to confirm the presence of leaking agent.
serviceable and adequately secure.
(3) When the leaking item is located, it will be
(1) If the presence of agent is confirmed, powered
repaired and/or containerized as soon as practical. Leakers
filtration will be resumed and the vents can be reopened.
should only be containerized after all other approved
Filtration, and periodic monitoring will continue until the agent
containment procedures have been attempted. Use of leaker
source is eliminated or no airborne agent can be detected. The
overpacks must be minimized due to the resultant loss of
frequency of periodic monitoring should be determined locally,
visibility of energetic components and the increased difficulty
based on general and site-specific risk factors. Should agent
in demilitarization that the overpacks create. However, worker
levels in the storage structure not be eliminated after leaker
safety will take precedence in any decision to containerize
isolation and containerization, further isolation may be
leakers. Vapor leakers should not be decontaminated. A
heavy-grade plastic bag, 4 mil or thicker, may be used as an
interim drip container for leaking liquid agent. Liquid leakers
(a) If the presence of agent is not confirmed,
should not be decontaminated unless it will reduce the spread
filters should remain shut down, vents should remain closed,
and the structure monitored at least once daily for three
consecutive workdays. If all results are negative, vents may be
decontamination solution (except residual liquid on the item),
reopened, powered filtration systems may be removed and no
sand, vermiculite, or other material, except interim drip bags,
further action is required.
will be placed in overpack containers with leaking munitions.
(b) If a powered filtration system is being
When drip bags are present, care must be taken to avoid
operated because the presence of agent has been detected and
tearing or catching bags between gaskets and flanges during
confirmed, and action has not yet been taken to eliminate the
packaging. All records regarding leaker packaging will include
source or has not been successful, the system need not be
remarks on the absence or presence of drip bags. This
shut down to ascertain agent concentrations within the storage
includes DSR card, DD Form 1577, leaker report, and any
magazine. Filtration should continue until the agent source is
other applicable record.
isolated and contained or until airborne agent can no longer be
(4) Leakers
charge detected. Remote magazine monitoring may be used as the
containers will be transported and stored vertically with the lid basis for initial determination of levels of PPE for operators
up. The round will be placed into the container base first.
performing leaker isolation and repair/containerization, etc.
General area air monitoring in the immediate vicinity of
operations may require operators to modify levels of PPE.