SB 742-1
d. The performance of ammunition surveillance duties is
b. The Chemical Materials Agency (CMA) ammunition
both a SC and a government responsibility. The SC must
surveillance element at demilitarization facilities will provide
implement specific requirements. The government is obliged to
technical input, to include any unusual conditions
verify implementation, monitor SC performance, and also to
encountered during demilitarization, to the host installation
implement specific requirements IAW the provisions of CMA
surveillance organization for posting on the Depot Surveillance
Regulation 742-4 and the local Ammunition Surveillance Plan.
Record (DSR) card.
The surveillance office at the host
This is intended to assure accuracy of documentation, control
installation will prepare the closeout remark when a lot is
of the operational process, safety and integrity of operations,
completely destroyed. A Chemical Accountability Management
and compliance with established safety, surety, environmental,
Information Network (CAMIN) report that identifies the storage
and operational standards. Ammunition surveillance activities
installation, disposal facility, nomenclature, stock number, lot
include, but are not limited to, the following:
number, serial number (if applicable), destruction certificate
control number(s), destruction end date associated with each
(1) Verify the presence of approved operational
destruction certificate, and the number of munitions destroyed
procedures (SOPs, LOPs, etc.) for operations being performed.
will be physically attached to each DSR. The CAMIN report
may be by Lot or NSN.
(2) Verify that procedures contain provisions to
assure that incoming material receipt documentation correctly
c. DSR cards will be retained by chemical storage
depots/activities for at least one year after completing a identifies the items being demilitarized by proper NSN, DODIC,
disposal campaign for each stock numbered item (unless plant lot number, quantity, and nomenclature.
closure occurs earlier than one year following the munitions
(3) Verify the presence and serviceability of all
campaign). Upon completion of this holding period, DSR cards required safety and protective equipment.
will be forwarded to the addressee in para 1-5d(7), for records
(4) Verify that required lightning protection and
retention by the NICP.
grounding system inspections and tests have been performed
7-4. Chemical Agent and Munitions Demilitarization as necessary.
a. Chemical agent and munitions demilitarization equipment has been performed and is current.
operations include those performed in support of CMA,
(6) Verify that demilitarization area(s) comply with
involving the Project Manager for Chemical Stockpile Disposal
(PMCSD), the Project Manager for Alternative Technologies and explosive safety and personnel limits.
Approaches (PMATA), and the Product Manager for Non-
(7) On a daily basis, verify that Destruction Certificate
Stockpile Chemical Materiel (PMNSCM)
Memorandums are accurately prepared, signed as prescribed,
b. Ammunition Surveillance Plan requirements are as and copies maintained.
(8) Verify compliance with all approved operational
(1) Each government and Systems Contractor (SC) and safety procedures.
organization within CMA will comply with the requirements of
(9) Verify that noted operational deficiencies are
CMA Regulation 742-4, Ammunition Surveillance Program. properly documented and reported IAW site-specific
Each PMCSD and PMATA government field office will develop requirements and the local Ammunition Surveillance Plan.
and implement a local Ammunition Surveillance Plan that Follow-up verification of corrective actions will be
clearly defines government roles and responsibilities in the accomplished IAW local procedures to assure that deficiencies
demilitarization program. (PMNSCM requirements are spelled have been corrected.
out in CMA Regulation 742-4).
7-5. Types of Inspections.
(2) All Ammunition Surveillance Plans will include the
requirements of CMA Regulation 742-4 as well as site-specific
a. Storage Monitoring Inspection (SMI).
SMIs will be
ammunition surveillance requirements and responsibilities. conducted as indicated in Table 7-1 regardless of condition
The ammunition surveillance chain of command within the code. Each storage configuration (package, container, or item)
organization must be spelled out in the Plan. Circumstances will be visually inspected for evidence of leakage, condition of
wherein personnel are permitted to stop operations must also the outer pack, dunnage, or any other condition affecting
be clearly defined in the Plan.
suitability for continued safe storage, to the extent possible,
without rewarehousing. Items, whether in original shipping
(3) The SC will incorporate ammunition surveillance
and storage container or overpacks, will have outer pack
requirements in appropriate local procedures and/or in a
inspected without opening.
matrix, as described in CMA Regulation 742-4. The frequency
of oversight visits to the operating areas, as well as specific
b. Special Inspections (SI)/Assessments.
Will be
areas to be reviewed, will be defined and documented. performed as directed by the office referenced in paragraph 1-
Discrepancy and nonconformance reporting procedures will 5d(7).
also be defined.
c. Magazine Inspection. Will be performed IAW Chapter
c. Only qualified personnel will perform and/or monitor 10 of this publication.
the performance of ammunition surveillance duties.
Government personnel will be QASAS or, in the event QASAS
are not available, personnel with locally acceptable training
and/or experience. The SC may utilize a variety of personnel
from within their organization; i.e., ammunition surveillance,
QA/QC, safety, surety, environmental, etc.