SB 742-1
(f) Type leaker.
c. Historically, propelling charge containers (to include
M10 and M16A1 models) have been used as the primary
(g) Leaker report number.
overpack for leaking cartridges and projectiles, and as
(h) "NOSE END" on appropriate end of rocket secondary packaging for leaking overpacks. The Single Round
Containers (SRCs) listed in Table 7-2 are a new generation of
high-performance overpacks and are preferred for leaker
(2) Additional labels or markings are permitted containment.
consistent with operational requirements and RCRA permits.
d. Propelling charge containers are no longer authorized
Overpacks marked prior to 01 March 2000 do not require
remarking solely to comply with the criteria presented in for use as a primary or secondary overpack unless specifically,
and on a case-by-case basis, approved by CMA. (See Table 7-2,
note 3.) However, site commanders may elect to retain some
propelling charge containers in local retail accounts to confront
accident scenarios that would require rapid packaging to
mitigate uncontrolled hazards or minimize prolonged worker
stay-time in protective clothing. Inspection criteria for the
Vinyl label must be a high strength,
propelling charge containers are listed in Table 7-4.
high conformity, solid safety hazard
e. Leaking overpacks (to include propelling charge
tape and resistant to solvents. All
containers) will not be automatically double overpacked in
headings and markings will be legible
SRCs. The initial course of action is provided in para 7-6i(3).
and applied with permanent ink
Leaking propelling charge overpacks will be overpacked in
SRCs only if actions listed in para 7-6i(3) are ineffective.
7-7. Overpacks for TCM and Agents.
f. Leaking munitions containerized prior to the effective
a. This section provides a listing of approved types of date of this SB do not have to be repackaged solely to meet this
overpacks for containerization of TCM and agents identified as criterion.
leakers. Unless otherwise specified, listed overpacks are for
depot storage and intra-depot movement only.
requisitioning procedures, inspection criteria, and storage
requirements are also included.
b. Table 7-2 lists overpacks authorized for containerization
of specific items. Primary overpacks are intended for use in
the packaging of individual TCM and agent items identified as
leakers. Secondary overpacks are intended for use in the
packaging of primary overpacks, which contain leaking TCM or
agent items.
LOT NUMBER___________________________________________________________________________
QUANTITY____________TYPE LEAKER_____________________________________________________
LEAKER NUMBER _______________________________