SB 742-1
(a) Upon detection of a leaking GB ton container
(2) If a powered filter system is being operated in the
valve or plug, all valves and plugs on that container will be
absence of agent confirmation (e.g., pre-emptive or
replaced with steel plugs manufactured IAW drawing numbers
precautionary filtration in "high risk" structures), the vents will
SK 69-4-30 (valve) and SK 72-6-5 (plug).
be closed and filtration systems will be shut off for at least
twenty minutes prior to monitoring the interior of the magazine
(b) Upon detection of a leaking VX or H-agent
to confirm the presence or absence of airborne chemical agent.
type ton container valve or plug, the following will be
If airborne agent is detected and confirmed, powered filtration
will be resumed and vents can be re-opened. Operations will
proceed as described in paragraph 7-6f(2), above.
1 If a valve leaks from the safety cap or
packing nut, the valve stem and safety cap should be tightened
(3) Vents may remain open or closed while monitoring
and the area decontaminated. Follow-up inspections shall be
the interior of magazines equipped with wind or natural draft
accomplished within three days and again after one week to
filtration systems. No waiting period is required prior to
verify effectiveness of corrective action. The safety cap may be
If the presence of agent is confirmed these
removed and the area decontaminated, however this could
systems must be supplemented with a powered filtration
result in the release of liquid agent.
system and guidelines in paragraphs 7-6f(1) through 7-6f(3)
2 If the valve leaks from threaded area,
i. Leaker containment procedures for selected items. replace both brass valves with steel plugs.
When overpacks are required, they will be selected from Table
3 Leaking plugs will be replaced with steel
When leaking plug(s) is replaced, all brass plugs on
affected end of ton container will be replaced.
(1) Cartridge 105mm and 4.2-inch. Leakers should
not be repackaged in a fiber container if the original fiber
(c) Upon detection of a leaking GB ton container
container can be removed. Propellant should be removed from
with steel plugs, in lieu of brass valves and plugs, the leaking
4.2-inch and 105mm cartridges, whenever possible, and
plug will be tightened. Should tightening of the steel plug not
packaged separately prior to containerization. If possible, and
mitigate the leak, the steel plug shall be replaced.
without the use of excessive force, the 4.2-inch M3 ignition
(d) If replacement of valves or plugs does not
cartridge should also be removed from the round. A 105mm
correct leaking condition, container contents will be
cartridge case and projectile should be containerized
transferred to a serviceable ton container.
separately. Annotate records to fully identify the packaging
configuration of the containerized cartridge and disassociated
(5) Items received at demilitarization facilities that
explosive and inert components.
leak prior to entry into the explosive containment vestibule
(2) M23 land mines.
Leaking mines encountered (ECV) will be classified as a leaker and should be introduced
during the course of operations will be returned to their into the demilitarization process or placed under engineering
original drum if serviceable. The requirement to repackage the controls as soon as possible.
leaking mine in the bottom of the drum is rescinded. It may
occupy the top, middle or bottom of the drum. If a leaking
j. For items not listed above, refer to Table 7-2 for
mine is detected and confirmed by monitoring the interior of applicable overpack.
the drum (prior to removing mines), no attempt will be made to
k. Overpack Marking Requirements.
isolate the leaking mine. The lid will be replaced and the
occurrence will be documented as a single leak. If the original
drum is unserviceable, the mines and the original
unserviceable drum will be overpacked.
Overpack containers for leaking
chemical munitions do not require
(3) Overpacks. First torque lids, bolts, test plugs or
color code markings. Existing color
other closures to the value listed in this chapter, paragraph 7-
7j, the appropriate LOI or
drawing. If
leak continues, isolate
code markings may not be a reliable
the leaking overpack and place into an approved secondary
source of information. Information
pertaining to the explosive make up
of an overpacked munition will be
(4) Ton containers.
annotated on DSR card (s).
(1) Overpacks used for containerization of leakers will
have a properly prepared DD Form 1577 (Unserviceable
[Condemned] Tag-Material) attached to container. Presence or
Over an extended period of time in
absence of fibers, drip bags and propellant type leaker, and
static storage, the threads of brass
leaker report number will be annotated on the tag and DSR
plugs and valves on GB ton
card(s). Additionally, the following data will be placed on the
containers have been known to
container either by stencil or a vinyl label (similar to hazardous
deteriorate. To preclude dislodging a
waste labels):
deteriorated brass valve or plug from
(a) NSN and DODIC.
a leaking GB ton container, no
attempt will be made to tighten the
(b) Nomenclature.
valve stem(s) or cap(s), nor will any
(c) Lot number.
attempt be made to tighten a leaking
(d) Quantity.
(e) Date packaged.