SB 742-1
(1) Quarterly inspection interval. Quarterly inspection
implies one inspection per quarter at approximately 90-day
intervals. By exception, this interval may be extended for a
7-1. General.
period of 30 days.
(2) Annual inspection interval.
Annual inspection
a. This chapter contains specific instructions relative to
implies one inspection per year at 12-month intervals. By
surveillance operations involving toxic chemical munitions
exception, this interval may be extended for a period of 3
(TCM) and bulk chemical agents. Surveillance operations will
be performed using this publication, other SBs, TMs, drawings,
specifications, local SOPs, and other applicable publications.
(3) Any extension of intervals will be at the discretion
Selected TCM and bulk agents have been classified as solid or
of the activity QASAS-in-Charge. When intervals are extended,
hazardous wastes. These materials are also regulated under
subsequent inspections may be scheduled based upon either
the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or
the originally forecasted date of inspection or actual date of
an equivalent authorized state program for waste management.
All extensions will be documented and the
The activities directed in this chapter do not supersede or
documentation retained locally.
diminish the requirements imposed by other federal, state, or
local regulations, requirements, or agreements. Personnel
e. Leaker Lot.
A munition lot so designated by
involved with surveillance operations shall coordinate activities
directed in this chapter with individuals that are responsible
demonstrated, increased tendency to leak. Leaker lots are
for the installation's compliance with environmental
generally subjected to a more aggressive surveillance regimen
to ensure prompt identification and control of agent leaks.
Leaker lot designations are site-specific and do not extend to
b. Periodic inspections (PIs) are no longer performed on
other installations storing the same manufacturer's lot, unless
TCM and agents. Surveillance organizations will, nonetheless,
The use of the term
emphasize those inspections/operations that are necessary to
"leaker lot" within the context of this supply bulletin does not
assure items are safe for storage, on-post movement, and
imply that all munitions within the lot are leaking.
demilitarization. Such efforts may involve, but are not limited
to, storage monitoring, leaker isolation/containerization,
f. Overpacked Munitions. Items packaged in one or more
special inspections, and assessments.
Eliminating the PI
of the approved overpacks listed in Table 7-2. These items
requirement does not relieve surveillance organizations from
include, but may not be limited to munitions previously
reclassifying ammunition based upon information gathered
identified as leakers; M56 Warheads generated during the M55
during other types of inspections. Accurate classification of
Rocket Assessment; recovered chemical warfare material
the stockpile is still required, to the extent that existing
(RCWM); and munitions subjected to various Ammunition
inspection protocols make this feasible.
If sufficient
Stockpile Reliability Programs [including Surveillance Program
information is available to justify assigning a new condition
Lethal Chemical Agents and Munitions (SUPLECAM),
code, surveillance organizations will do so and submit a DA
Surveillance Test Program Metallurgical (STPMTL), etc] which
Form 2415 to the NICP at the address in para 1-5d(7).
have been drilled, sampled and plugged. Bulk agent in ton
c. Technical assistance. Addressee in para 1-5d(7), will containers or munitions in original shipping and storage
provide technical assistance at the request of a chemical containers, such as spray tanks and M23 mines are not
All abnormal conditions encountered during considered overpacked.
surveillance operations will be reported in memorandum
g. Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL). The maximum
format via e-mail or datafax to the above.
concentration to which unprotected chemical workers may be
exposed for up to 15 minutes continuously.
h. Worker Population Limit (WPL). Maximum allowable 8
a. Confirmed Agent Detection. To be confirmed, an initial
hour time weighted average concentration that an unmasked
detection of chemical agent leakage must be corroborated by a
worker could be exposed to for an 8 hour workday and a 40
second, different method of detection. Monitors used for
hour week for 30 years without adverse effect.
detection are differentiated by the analytical methods
7-3. Documenting Results of Inspections,
b. Containment. A physical condition, which mitigates or Maintenance, Ammunition Anomalies and
prevents agent migration from munitions, bulk agent Ammunition Transactions.
containers, agent vessels, packaged/overpacked items, or
a. All meaningful information (e.g., results of inspections,
Containment may be achieved by
tests, technical investigations, agent sampling, etc; and
overpacking, powered filtration, or passive filtration.
disposal process anomalies; maintenance; rewarehousing; etc)
c. Filter Units. Any system of equipment that will separate shall be recorded on the DSR Card. Documents cited to clarify
airborne agents from ambient air by means of adsorption and or supplement DSR comments must be retained as part of the
prevent airborne agent from being exhausted from the storage lot history. In addition, surveillance organizations should
structure to the outside environment. Air movement may be capture all information that could have an impact on waste
accomplished by means of a powered filtration unit with a munitions management or treatment.
Accomplishment of
Storage Monitoring Inspections may be recorded on the DSR
motor blower (active filtration) or, a system such as a wind
powered or natural draft device used in concert with an Card or via a locally developed record keeping system. If a
locally developed system is adopted, records attesting to the
absorber unit (passive filtration).
accomplishment of SMIs must be retained indefinitely.
d. Inspection Intervals.
intervals are identified for the SMI of chemical surety items.