SB 742-1
purpose is to prevent the safety lever from snapping upward
into a triggered position, in the event the safety pin is
accidentally dislodged from the fuze.
(4) M213 fuzes must be hard-plate x-rayed prior to
a. FSC: 1330
assembly into an M67 grenade. Fuzes are delivered to LAP or
renovation facility from manufacturer without being x-rayed
b. Ammunition Type:
Fuze, Hand Grenade, M201A1;
under NSN 1330-00-182-3570. Fuzes with this NSN are not
M204 Series; M213; Fuze, Hand Grenade, Offensive, M206;
considered unserviceable and will be retained in the condition
Fuze, Hand Grenade, Practice M205 and M228
code that a government representative accepted them in.
When fuzes are x-rayed, the NSN is changed to 1330-000-182-
c. Fuze, Hand Grenade M201A1 (G874). This is a pyro-
3590. Fuzes with this NSN must have a statement on the
technic delay-igniting fuze.
The body contains a primer,
Ammunition Data Card that they were 100% x-rayed. Notify
first-fire mixture, pyrotechnic delay column, and ignition mix-
JMC Ammunition office if fuzes do not have the statement..
ture. Assembled to the body are a striker, striker spring,
safety lever and safety pin with pull ring. The split end of the
g. Fuze, Hand Grenade, Practice, M205 Series (G870).
safety pin has an angular spread.
(1) The M205A1 and M205A2 are pyrotechnic delay
d. Fuzes, Hand Grenade M204A1 and M204A2 (G873).
igniting fuzes. They differ in body construction only. The body
(1) These are pyrotechnic delay-detonating fuzes. contains a primer and a pyrotechnic delay column. Assembled
to the body are a striker, striker spring, safety lever, safety pin
They differ only in body construction.
with pull ring, and an igniter assembly. The split end of the
(2) The body contains a primer and a pyrotechnic de- safety pin has an angular spread or a diamond crimp.
lay column. Assembled to the body are a striker, striker
(2) The hand grenade safety clip (when applicable) is
spring, safety lever, safety pin with pull ring, and a detonator
assembly. The split end of the safety pin has an angular designed to keep the safety lever in place should the safety pin
be unintentionally removed from the grenade.
It is an
spread or diamond crimp.
additional safety device used in conjunction with the safety
(3) The hand grenade safety clip (when applicable) is pin. The hand grenade safety clip, of spring-steel wire, is
designed to keep the safety lever in place should the safety pin shaped in a special configuration for installation on the
be unintentionally removed from the grenade. It is an addi- grenade. It consists of a clamp that fits around the fuze body
tional safety device used in conjunction with the safety pin. and over the safety lever. It serves to prevent release of the
The safety clip, of spring steel wire, consists of a loop that fits grenade safety lever if the safety pin is accidentally released.
around the fuze body and a clamp that fits over the safety
h. Fuze, Hand Grenade, Practice, M228 (G878).
(1) Practice fuze M228 is a pyrotechnic delay igniting
e. Fuzes, Hand Grenade M206A1 and M206A2 (G872).
fuze. The body contains a primer and pyrotechnic delay col-
(1) These are pyrotechnic delay-detonating fuzes.
umn. Assembled to the body are a striker, striker spring,
They differ only in body construction.
safety lever, safety pin with pull ring, safety clip (older models
do not have the safety clip), and igniter assembly. The split
(2) The body contains a primer and a pyrotechnic de-
end of the safety pin has an angular spread or a diamond
lay column. Assembled to the body are a striker, striker
spring, safety lever, safety pin with pull ring and a detonator
assembly. The split end of the safety pin has an angular
(2) The hand grenade safety clip is designed to keep
spread or a diamond crimp.
the safety lever in place should the safety pin be unintention-
(3) When applicable, the hand grenade safety clip is ally removed from the grenade. It is an additional safety device
designed to keep the safety lever in place should the safety pin used in conjunction with the safety pin. The safety clip is
be unintentionally removed from the grenade. It is an addi- assembled to the fuze. (Older models have the safety clip as-
sembled to the grenade and positioned around the safety
tional safety device used in conjunction with the safety pin.
(4) Safety clips, of spring steel wire, consist of a loop,
which fits around the threaded section of the fuze, and a S-2. Unique safety precautions.
clamp, which fits over the safety lever. Because the loop fits
a. Fuzes should never be lifted or handled by the safety
around the threaded section of the fuze, the clip must be as- clip or the safety pull ring.
sembled to the grenade when the fuze is assembled to the
b. Before any fuze is removed from its fiber container, it
must be thoroughly inspected to see that the safety pin is in
f. Fuze, Hand Grenade M213 (G877).
place and undamaged and that the prongs of the safety pin are
spread approximately 45 degrees or diamond crimped. This
(1) This is a pyrotechnic delay-detonating fuze.
inspection must also ensure that the fuze lugs are not cracked
(2) The body of the fuze contains a primer and a pyro- or broken and the safety lever ears are properly assembled
technic delay column. Assembled to the body are a striker, under the lugs.
striker spring, safety lever, safety pin and pull ring, safety clip,
S-3. Testing and equipment requirements. Not applicable.
and a detonator assembly.
(3) The M213 fuze is equipped with a steel safety pin S-4. Inspection category and sampling plan.
and pull ring. The split end of the safety pin is either spread
a. Inspection Category Y; Periodic inspection interval --
approximately 40 degrees or diamond-shaped to prevent acci- three years.
dental removal and arming during shipping and handling. The
b. Sampling plan for inspection is according to chapter 2.
pull ring is provided to facilitate easy removal of the safety pin.
A second safety feature is the steel safety clip. The safety clip's