SB 742-1
using a traceable seal IAW NAVSUP P 805.
All other
procedures related to the samples will be accomplished as
directed by this SB. All assets will then be scheduled for next
inspection using safety-in-storage scheduling procedures IAW
a. The ammunition surveillance inspection program is
classification and assignment of condition code will be IAW
structured to ensure that materiel in the stockpile meets
NAVSUP P 805. Navy unique stocks will be inspected and
established explosives safety and serviceability criteria and is
scheduled for inspection IAW NAVSUP P 805.
properly classified. Trained and certified personnel using
statistical sampling techniques and procedures accomplish
b. Marine owned (SMCA managed) stocks will be inspected
The program identifies items for timely IAW NAVSUP P 805 and NAVSUP P 807, and this SB.
maintenance, disposal, priority of issue, and restricted use. Receipted ammunition will have a normal Receipt Inspection
The classification of defects and standards in this publication (RI) performed IAW this SB. All outer packs opened for RI that
provides the QASAS with necessary guidance to accomplish were received with a traceable seal will be resealed using a
program goals and assigned missions.
traceable seal IAW NAVSUP P 805. All receipted assets will
then be scheduled as normal for Periodic Inspection (PI) as
(1) Required vs. non-required stocks. The ammunition
directed by this SB. Defect classification and assignment of
stockpile is separated into two parts: required stocks (JMC
condition code will be IAW NAVSUP P 805. Marine Corp
Priority 1 and 2) and non-required stocks (JMC Priority 3)
unique stocks will be inspected and scheduled for inspection
pursuant to the provisions of DOD Directive 5160.65-M.
Required stocks satisfy both power projection and training
requirements. Retail stocks are required stocks. Non-required
c. Following are clarifications/exceptions to specific
stocks include long supply held stocks for economic and requirements of NAVSUP P 805:
contingency purposes, assets held above requirements and
(1) A depot surveillance record (DSR) card, DA form
potential reutilization/disposal assets.
3022-R, will be maintained for each lot of ammunition. SMCA
(a) JMC will update as required, the SMCA priority installations will use the DSR as the "receipt inspection record
listing identifying whether an item is required or non-required. form".
Use of the priority listing when scheduling inspections is
(2) Where the NAVSUP calls for a certification stamp;
mandatory for all JMC locations storing conventional
SMCA ammunition not listed on the current SMCA installations may use an authorized signature.
priority listing should be considered non-required stocks (JMC
(3) Tags/labels and or bar codes are not required on
Priority 3). Questions as to the proper priority of new stocks serviceable stocks of Navy or Marine Corps ammunition in
will be directed to JMC Surveillance (para 1-5d(1). Use of this storage at SMCA installations. When ammunition is shipped
listing by MACOMs other than AMC is at their discretion. See to a Navy installation, bar codes encoded with National Item
para 1-5d(22)(g) for web page address for SMCA (JMC) priority Identification Number (NIIN), owner and
condition code will be
affixed to the shipment. Material condition tags (DD Forms
(b) Type of inspection and inspection intervals for 1574 through 1577) will also be applied before shipment.
(4) SMCA installations should certify and seal empty
and 2-4e. Specific owning service requirements will take containers being issued to Navy or Marine Corps activities.
precedence to the priority requirements.
When empty containers cannot be sealed, SMCA installations
(2) The SMCA index of items assigned to the Single may follow current army policy on identifying empty
Manager for Conventional Ammunition (SMCA) is available on containers.
the web. It lists conventional ammunition assigned to SMCA
(5) Navy owned conventional ammunition not condition
and indicates using services and is pursuant to the provisions code A quality due to packaging deficiencies, but serviceable
of DOD Directive 5160.65-M. This listing is available on the for intended purpose, will be assigned condition code J and
Web as referenced in para 1-5d(22)(b).
reported by an Ammunition Condition Report (ACR), DA Form
2415, to reference 1-5d (d) (4).
b. Use the general inspection policy of this chapter
supplemented by the guidance for specific items in Appendices
(6) Conventional ammunition suitable for Navy training
D through AE and
Ammunition Information Notices. This
use only will be assigned condition code B or condition code C
supplemental guidance is based on known potential problem
as directed by a Navy Notice of Ammunition Reclassification
areas and may include exceptions and additional requirements
for each specific item. Therefore, in the event of apparent
conflict between general requirements and requirements for
d. Air Force owned (SMCA managed) stocks will be
specific items, the specific requirements will have precedence.
inspected IAW TO11A-1-10, this SB and applicable specific
item technical order; if a conflict in guidance exists, the
specific item TO will take precedence. Receipted ammunition
conventional ammunition.
will have a normal Receipt Inspection (RI) performed IAW this
SB. All receipted assets will then be scheduled as normal for
a. Navy owned (SMCA managed) stocks will be inspected
Periodic Inspection (PI) as directed by this SB.
IAW NAVSUP P 805 AND NAVSUP P 807, and this SB. In the
classification and assignment of condition code will be IAW TO
event that Navy procedures do not meet SB 742-1, safety-in-
11A-1-10. Air Force unique stocks will be inspected and
storage criteria, both procedures SB 742-1 and NAVSUP P 805
scheduled for inspection IAW TO 11A-1-10 and the specific
will be used. Receipted ammunition will have a normal Receipt
item TO.
Inspection (RI) performed IAW this SB. All outer packs opened
for RI that were received with a traceable seal will be resealed
e. Following are clarifications/exceptions
requirements of TO 11A-1-10 (Air Force stocks):