SB 742-1
TMDE test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment
SOP standing operating procedure
TP-T target practice - tracer
SPI special inspection
TRADOC U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
SPW Shipping Planning Worksheet
TWA time weighted average
SSG staff sergeant
UNO United Nations organization
SSI special surveillance instructions
USAMC U.S. Army Materiel Command
SSWAFAR spin stabilized, wrap around fin aircraft
VI visual inspection
VT variable time
STL surveillance test lot
SUPLECAM Surveillance Program Lethal Chemical Agents
and Munitions
Number Report, Part III
TAMMC Theater Army Materiel Management Center
WP white phosphorus
TB technical bulletin
WQEC Navy Weapons Quality Evaluation Center
TCM toxic chemical munitions
TM technical manual
Glossary - 2