SB 742-1
LAP load, assembly, and pack
LCC logistics control code
AAP Army ammunition plant
ACALA Armament Chemical and Ammunition Logistics
LOA letter of offer and acceptance
LSFFAR low spin, folding fin aircraft rockets
ADC ammunition data card
MACOM major command
AEL airborne exposure limit
AMCOM U.S. Army Missile Command
AI acceptance inspection
MIMEX major items in long supply and excess
AIC ammunition identification code
MOS military occupational specialty
AMDF Army management data file
MPCG man portable chamber gage
AMSAA Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity
MPS maritime prepositioning ships
APDS-T armor piercing discarding sabot - tracer
MPSM multipurpose submunitions
APE ammunition peculiar equipment
MRO materiel release order
APF afloat prepositioned force
MSC major subordinate command
AQL acceptable quality level
MT mechanical time
AR Army regulation
MTSQ mechanical time super quick
ARNG U.S. Army National Guard
MWO modification work order
ASIS ammunition surveillance information system
NDI nondevelopmental item
ASP ammunition supply point
NICP National Inventory Control Point
ASRP Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program
NOSIH Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head
ASTP ammunition surveillance test procedures
NSN national stock number
BLI basic load inspection
OCONUS outside the continental United States
BTR ballistic test request
OPA ogive protector
CAD cartridge actuated devices
P&P packing and preservation
CAMDS Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System
PAD propellant actuated device
Para paragraph
PCP pentachlorophenol
CC condition code
PD point detonating
CCFTP Centralized Control Function Test Program
PENTA pentachlorophenol
CFA controlled firing area
PG proving ground
CFR code of federal regulation
PI periodic inspection
CONUS continental United States
PII preissue inspection
COR contracting officer representative
PMCD Program Manager for Chemical Demilitarization
CSDP chemical stockpile disposal plant
PMCSD Project Manager for Chemical Stockpile Disposal
CTTP Centralized Trace Test Program
DA Department of Army
PMNSCM Project Manager for Non-Stockpile Chemical
DAC Department of Army civilian
DAMWO Department of Army modification work order
PPWR prepositioned war reserve
DISREP discrepancy report
PREPO, AFLOAT Army Prepositioned Stocks, Afloat
DMWR depot maintenance work requirement
QA/QC quality assurance/quality control
DODAC Department of Defense ammunition code
QASAS in charge The senior Quality Assurance Specialist
DODIC Department of Defense identification code
(Ammunition Surveillance) at an installation
DOT Department of Transportation
QASAS Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition
DSR depot surveillance record
RAAMS remote anti-armor mine system
DU depleted uranium
RCRA Resource Conservation Recoverability Act
RCS requirement control symbol
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
RDD required delivery date
ET electronic time
REPSHIP report of shipment
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
RI receipt inspection
FC functional code
ROD report of discrepancy
FMS foreign military sales
RRDA resource recovery and distribution account
FORSCOM U.S. Army Forces Command
SA security assistance
FSC Federal Supply Class
SAA small arms ammunition
FSC Field Support Command
SAC security assistance coordinators
FY fiscal year
SB supply bulletin
GFM government furnished material
GRA grant aid
SDS standard depot system
HE high explosive
SFC sergeant first class
HEAT high explosive antitank
SFTI surveillance function test inspection
HEI-T high explosive incendiary - tracer
SI special inspection
ICM improved conventional munitions
SIMU suspended from issue, movement, and use
ILLUM illuminating
SIS safety in storage
JMC, U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command
SLTP Stockpile Laboratory Test Program
IRI initial receipt inspection
SMI storage monitoring inspection