SB 742-1
end of the sample line or probe. If agent vapor is detected the SFT. The sample line will extend no more than inch into
the SFT
during gross level testing begin leaker isolation.
(3) Hold the sample line in the SFT for 1/5 of the
c. Type 2B monitors will be used as the primary method of
cycle time for the instrument, operator will provide a minimum
analysis. Certification, calibration, flow rate verification and
of 32 seconds of sample time per rocket based on a 3 minute
QP challenges will be in accordance with the requirements in
sample time.
the current revision of the CASARM QA Plan for Agent Air
Monitoring for Type 2B monitors used as a primary method.
(4) When monitoring less than 5 rockets operator(s)
The QP samples will be injected at the end of the heated
will still monitor each shipping and firing tube for 1/5 of the
sample line or at the instrument. The QP samples must be
cycle time of the instrument and igloo air for the remainder of
exposed to shipping and firing tube air for the same time and
the sample time.
at the same flow rate as ordinary samples.
m. Manifold sampling:
d. The void volume of air in the sample line must be taken
into account during operations. Additional sample collection
(1) The manifold will be assembled and attached to
time must be added for continuous flow monitors, the monitoring line as shown in Figure AE-1. Ensure that all
approximately 1 minute depending on line length and flow flow indicators placed between the Stainless Steel Union and
the T-Connect are indicating flow at the beginning and end of
e. Intrusive sampling may be conducted with either the operations.
single line or manifold systems. In either case heat traced
(2) Operator will insert the sample lines into the
sample lines used for intrusive monitoring of M55 rockets will sample
ports so that the Tygon stopper is flush against the
be connected to no more than 100ft of unheated Teflon line sample
port of the SFT. The sample line will extend no more
between the manifold or probe and the heated sample line
inch into the SFT.
f. To minimize interferent response recommend the
(3) All five rockets will be monitored concurrently for
Compound Gate on monitoring equipment be set at 5 to 6 the full monitoring cycle. When monitoring fewer than five (5)
rockets those sample lines not being employed will be left open
g. Sample lines, used with real time low-level monitoring and allowed to aspirate igloo air.
equipment, should be provided preventive maintenance by
n. Upon detecting chemical agent vapor, at or above the
having lines cleaned or flushed with solvent at intervals to be action level, (a mass of 0.5ng of GB) operators will begin Leaker
determined by the Laboratory/Monitoring Office.
Isolation procedures as follows:
h. Rodent feces have been identified as an interferent in
(1) Reinstall all sample port plugs. Ensure rubber
real time low-level monitors. Ensure all areas around rocket gasket is placed on sample plug and is serviceable.
pallet(s) are cleaned of feces prior to using monitors. Proper
industrial hygiene procedures will be observed.
If the vapor concentrations saturate the monitoring
i. If an unusual number of leakers are encountered during
instrument's separation column, place instrument
an operation, the Laboratory/Monitoring Supervisor and
in a standby status and begin isolation procedure
QASAS-in-charge shall review the sampling process for
using alternate monitoring equipment.
If agreed upon, new
(2) If employing the manifold system insure sample
samples may be taken to ensure the monitoring process has
lines are clear of agent vapor by allowing monitoring
not been compromised.
instrument to aspirate clean ambient air two complete cycles
j. Sample lines (include manifold if applicable) that prior to disconnecting manifold. If sample lines are clean,
become contaminated will be decontaminated and monitored disconnect manifold and replace with single sample line. If
agent vapor is detected, replace with a new sample line.
in accordance with approved local procedures.
(3) After verifying magazine's ambient air is free of
k. When intrusively monitoring Leaker Lots the following
precautions will be taken to minimize the potential for cross agent vapor, begin Leaker Isolation. If an alternate detection
method is used when initiating the isolation process, it may be
used for confirmation.
(1) All opened SFTs must be in horizontal alignment
with one another.
Real time low-level monitors that are being used to
(2) No more than five SFTs will be sampled at one
monitor the workers exposure profile may be used
to verify that magazine ambient air is clear.
(3) No more than 15 SFTs will be open at one time.
(4) During the isolation process, operator(s) will
To the extent practicable and consistent with efficient
ensure that each SFT is subjected to an independent
operations, operators should minimize the amount of time that
monitoring cycle.
Placement of the sample line and the
SFTs remain open. Sampling port plugs should be replaced as
decision to monitor for a complete cycle will be based on the
soon as possible after intrusively monitoring. Each series of
initial reading. The sample will not be considered a negative
five SFTs and plugs should not be removed from SFTs awaiting
until one (1) complete real time low-level monitoring sample
sampling until necessary.
cycle has been run.
(4) Each series of SFTs will be opened, commencing
(5) If agent is detected on any one of the samples and
with samples located lowest in a pallet or stack staying within
leaker isolation is being performed using an alternate detection
the lot.
method, confirmation has been obtained. However, if leaker
l. Single line sampling:
isolation is being conducted with the same detection method
(1) The sample line will be assembled and attached to as used when agent was first detected an alternate detection
method must be used for confirmation. The confirmation
method , monitor must employ a different analytical method
(2) Operator will insert sample line into sample port than the primary method.
so that the Tygon stopper is flush against the sample port of